Have they no knowledge, those evildoers, who eat up My people as they do bread, and do not call upon God?
Psalm 53:4, NRSV
A fool is anyone who tries to live without God.
~Steven J. Lawson
Psalm 53 is almost identical to Psalm 14: both begin by saying, Fools say in their heart, “There is no God.” The Hebrews had three words for fool, kesyl, the dull, the mentally deficient, ewiyl, the unreasonable and perverted. Then there is the word in the text, nabal, which describes a brutish person who is like a stubborn beast. The Nabals of this world have said in their hearts, “There is no God.” Unbelief makes a person a fool, not low IQ. Being a fool does not mean a person is mentally incompetent but one who is morally insensitive. In verse 4, we have three characteristics of a fool:
- FOOLS DON’T THINK. They are lacking in knowledge because their depravity has blinded them to the obvious truth. Bertrand Russell, the British atheist was asked, What will you say, if when you die you do stand before God? He said, “You didn’t give us sufficient evidence.” This man was a noted philosopher and certainly not lacking in intelligence yet: God placed an infinite heaven above him, an unbelievable earth beneath him, the wonders and marvel of nature around him and a conscience within him and he ignored them all because because that is what fools do, they don’t think. Fools don’t think about sin or its consequences. They do not think about accountability. They do not think about their purpose which is to glorify God. Fools don’t think about eternity. They think like Esau: power, pleasure and possessions.
- FOOLS DON’T RESPECT GOD’S PEOPLE. They eat them for lunch. Fools take advantage of others because they fear no accountability. They have no appreciation for Preachers or for the word of God. Fools hate the church and they hate Christians. Fools persecute the followers of Christ. They are angry with God and they cannot get to him so they go after those who belong to Him. Fools have no fear of God and no respect for the godly.
- FOOLS DON’T PRAY. They do not call upon God, not on a daily basis. They may call on him when the end comes but in the present, they live as though God does not exist. Psalm 50:15 reads,”Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” God said to Jeremiah 29:12, Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you. God wants us to depend on HIM for every need. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus commanded us to pray. Your heavenly Father wants to hear your voice.
Evangelist Junior Hill
Junior Hill
This Sunday at
10:15 am
- Had something happen yesterday that I don’t remember happening before. I was mowing our ditches in front of the house and I saw the rain coming. I made it to the shed before the rain began falling hard. It sounded like hail. I was thinking this is just what my pea patch needs. It only rained for 10 minutes and when it quit, I went out to look at the pea patch. It was dry. A few drops but mostly dust. The rain actually stopped in the middle of the garden. The North side got rain and the South side did not.
- BLOCK PARTY August 5, 6-9 PM.
- I think Jessica Hogan comes home this Thursday.
- Remember those overseas: Keith McKay in India and Seth in the Ukraine. I don’t know where Eddie is this week. I can’t keep up with the boy.
- Normal schedule Sunday. Pray for the service.