“Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful; it is too sick to be healed.”
~Jeremiah 17:9, GNT
We are mostly falsehood, duplicity and contradiction: We disguise ourselves from ourselves.
~Blaise Pascal
When God created Adam, He gave him a soul or a heart. The heart is the seat of our mind [what we think], our will [power to make a choice] and our emotions [ability to feel]. If we are not careful, our emotions will take the lead and this is not good. Those who follow their emotions are unstable and inconsistent. When Jeremiah presented the question, “Who can understand the human heart?” I think he was referring to our emotions. I am in total agreement with the weeping prophet, the emotions are not to be trusted.
A good example of the above is Peter in the waning hours before the arrest of Jesus. When Jesus mentioned his departure in John 13, “Where I am going, you cannot follow Me now”… Peter was visibly upset, “LORD, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” Jesus said, “Will you really lay down your life for Me? The truth is Peter, you will deny Me three times before the rooster crows twice in the morning.”
Peter was resolute in his feelings for Jesus. He loved Jesus and he had no doubt that he would defend his master to the death. Peter was cocky, rock solid sure of himself, very confident but he was following his heart and his heart deceived him. His emotions played a dirty trick on him, leaving the proud Galilean fishermen in tears. We find very good advice in Jeremiah 17:5, This is what the LORD says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD.” Never trust the human heart, it will deceive you.
- Deacons meeting at 8:15, LCBS at 9:15, Worship at 10:15 and 6:15. Communion and Baptism in morning service.
- We got another big rain. Our garden has been too wet to plow for more than a week. I hope everyone got a rain and what about this cooler weather.
- Block Party just two weeks away. Joe David and Mission team come home Thursday morning.