The Immutable Word


“The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.”

~Isaiah 40:8, NLT


The word of God {Bible} is not like any other book. It is the only book that contains life.

~Charles Stanley

Hebrews 4:12 states, The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. So the word of God is living, active, powerful and sharp. The word produces faith leading to salvation. God uses the word to cleanse us and to sanctify us. The word of God comforts and convicts; it informs and inspires and it is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. I love the word. I love to read it, teach it and preach it. The blog gives me the joy and privilege of sharing insights from the word of God. The thought I want to leave with you today is that the word of God is eternal: it will never die and neither will it change. The word of God is immutable, it does not mutate in any shape form or fashion. I have been preaching for 52 years and I’m still preaching the same word. It hasn’t changed in 52 years and it will not change in 5200 years.

Remember will Al {bird brain} Gore was peddling GLOBAL WARMING. He could sale that crock to the brainwashed and ignorant but he had no science to back up his claims. When real science began speaking up, Al and the environmental Wacos changed from GLOBAL WARMING to Climate Change. It is a fact of life, especially in North Alabama, that the climate changes. Do we really need environmental maniacs telling us that the climate is changing. Then there is Dr. Fauci’s flip flops on covid and mask. He has changed his position a half dozen times. Honestly folks, does the man have any credibility left? I think not. I cannot find one but I wish I had a copy of the science book we had in middle school [1960]: it would be like a comic book today. Liberals change, science books change, fads and trends change but the word of God never changes. If you are worried about the conflict between modern science and the Bible, stop worrying–science will catch up eventually. The Bible is light years ahead of science. Remember the nine, supposed wise and educated, jurist who made killing the unborn legal based on the false assumption that the baby was not yet human in the early embyronic stage. All they had to do was take a bible and read Psalm 139. By the way, what did science discover soon after they passed this horrible law. Ultra sound proved that the Bible was right all along. The baby is human and he or she feels pain. It is not a glob of tissue as the left insisted, it is a beating heart. Opinions and traditions change but the word of God does not change.

Miss Clara had to go back to Children’s in Birmingham, seizures and fever. Say a prayer for Clara and Shohn. I saw Clara last Saturday and she seemed fine. Jimmy’s COLS is today in Athens. I will be there all day LORD willing. Pray also for Frankie and Susan as they have Frank’s COLS today at the same time, 2:00 pm.

You aren’t going to believe this: Big Mama got herself a dog, a Great Pyrenees. I think the LORD is in it–she needs a dog.

Tried to upload a pic of dog but my computer will not allow it. I get it loaded and then it goes away.

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