“Be still, and know [yada] that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.”
~Psalm 46:10, NRSV
We humans like to be “hands on” and manage our own affairs but there is a time to relax, take the hands off and observe God being God.
~W.W. Wiersbe
Psalm 46 begins with two words that we are familiar with in the English language. The first word is ‘Raphah’, to sink, sit down, relax, drop or abate. You can google Rapha Christian Ministries which is a Christian counseling service. Somethings are too much for us to handle and we have to give them to God. We have to let them go, drop them, leave them with Jesus. When we give it all to Him and relax, the storm abates. The second word in Psalm 46 is ‘Yada’ and it is a fascinating word. It can be used in many ways and in many tenses. It means to know, to perceive or be aware of via the five senses. You know a skunk is near by the smell. But it can also mean to get to know through discovery and experience and it can mean to be known as Adam knew Eve, to be intimately acquainted with.
So you could translate verse 10 like this…Relax, rest in His grace, get to know Him as God the exalted One. I know I’ve told you the story about June and I going to Cleveland to catch an Indian’s game. We had some hospital visits to make in Huntsville so I went on to Chattanooga and hit I-75. Mid-way through Kentucky, we stopped at a motel and spent the night. Both of us forgot our DAILY BREAD devotionals so I read Psalm 46 after we were in the car. I felt lead to share with June my interpretation of verse 1o…I said, “June, this verse can be translated, ‘Relax and experience God,’ so that will be our goal for the day.” Without a moments hesitation she answered, “Who can relax with you under the wheel?”
Martin Luther said, “Pray like it all depends on God, the go work like it all depends on you.” There is a time to seek, a time to rest and a time to act. May God give us the wisdom to know when to do each. God allowed King Hezekiah to get into a tight place so He could stretch the Kings faith which He did and in the end, God was glorified. God is moving everything on earth and in heaven to this end, the exaltation of Jesus. Isaiah wrote, Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the LORD will be exalted on that day of judgment. If you are struggling with anxiety, let go of your worries and rest in God’s grace and know for sure that in the end, Jesus will be exalted.
I’ll be preaching on this theme Sunday night [Lord willing].
- We had a minor problem with GODADDY and were off line for a few hours yesterday. They called but I didn’t realize they had shut me down. Catfish got me renewed last night and everything is good I hope. Thank you FISH! That boy is a Cracker Jack.
- This has been an unusual week for us: we have kids and grand kids coming and going. Seth leaves for the Ukraine today {10:00 am} and his mama will be coming home from the beach tonight, along with Holly, Jeremy and the four grands who are with them. I think Hope and her crew are leaving for the beach Saturday. Josie gives me daily reports on Joe David’s crew. It rained on them all day yesterday. Ty loved the Museum of Natural History; waited to go back again today [kidding]. Big Mama and I will be glad to get them all back safe and sound.
- Rickey Fields had a successful procedure yesterday to get rid of the stones. Keith Jenkins went to the doctor and was not thrilled with the result. Doc told him he could not go back to work for at least a month and more test are coming I think. They are still now sure about the nerve damage.
- I have yards to mow today if it doesn’t rain. Willard is selling lawn mowers by the truck load. People can’t keep their grass cut.
- SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Donuts and Biscuits at 8:45, LCBS at 9:15, Worship Celebration at 10:15 and again at 6:00 Sunday night. We need to focus on the BLOCK PARTY offering. We need four in a row that are a $1,000 or more.