Your Treasure


We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

~2 Corinthians 4:7, NLT


What we treasure, in this short life, reveals our wisdom or our lack thereof.

~Ray dis Comfort

The ungodly treasure wealth and the power that accompanies wealth. They are convinced to the depths of their heart that money will bring them happiness but ironically, it brings them the opposite. How many happy wealthy people do you know? How many miserly wealthy people do you know? Wealth bring much more misery than happiness. Misers never enjoy a good sermon on tithing or giving. They do not enjoy Christmas because of all the giving and people’s expectation for them to give. Do you think it is possible for a person to get so deep into drugs that the drugs become their god? They put drugs before everything: their marriage, their children, their parents and siblings. The drugs become the central focus of their life. The same thing is true with greed. People love money more than they love their own families. Their greed becomes the central force and drive of their life and they are intent on getting more. Their treasure is money or wealth.

My treasure is Jesus and He is worth infinitely more than money. I wouldn’t trade places with Bill Gates or Michael Bloomberg. I have no desire to have what they have; I am tickled pink to have what they don’t have. Do you actually think that hell is worth 146 billion for a brief life time, a few measly years. Bill Gates can have his billions; I am satisfied with Jesus. Some folks would say that I am crazy but I am not; Jesus said, “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness and pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” Folks, the meek will inherit the earth. Why should I fight for a few hundred acres now when it will all be mine someday.

In ancient times, a Roman nobleman was apt to leave his estate to a faithful slave rather than an irresponsible son. One such case occurred. The Nobleman left everything to his trusted slave Aurelius. To the son he left one thing of his choosing on the estate.  When the authority carried out the will, he allowed the son to make his choice. Without hesitation the son pointed to the slave and said, “I take Aurelius.” When you choose Jesus, you get everything.


Continue to pray for Becky and Terry. They had a very difficult day yesterday. Enjoy this last day of warm weather; cool front coming after the rain.

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