But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over.
~Jeremiah 18:4, NLT
God hates nothing that He has made and with an equal love, He wills to do His best for each.
~F.B. Meyer
We all fail in many ways and sometimes our failures stick to our conscience like ice on the wings of jet. To keep from confessing and to hide the truth from others, we live a life of pretense. We attempt to cover our failure by church attendance, involvement in good things or even a pleasant disposition. We joke and laugh because we don’t want others to see the pain and dispair that comes with our continual failure to be what God created us to be. What we must not forget is that God is at work in us, giving us the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Sanctification is a progressive work of grace wrought by the sanctifier, Jesus Christ. To move forward in our freedom from the power of sin [the root of or failure] we must pray this prayer: “Lord, I confess my unwillingness to turn from sin, but I am willing for YOU to make me willing.” All He needs to complete the project is your willingness.
Hubert von Herkomer [1849-1914] was a British artist [painter] of German decent. He spent his early childhood in the Black Forest [Germany] where he learned art from his father who was a wood cutter, carver and potter. Hubert moved to England when he became an adult and established himself as one of the world’s most gifted artist. As soon as he possessed the means, Hubert sent for his father and brought him to England so he could care for him in his old age. His father loved pottery and was very good at making beautiful vessels but in his later years, his skills diminished. Hubert, fearing that his father might become depressed with his failing skills, would get up in the middle of the night and go to his father’s work table and correct whatever mistakes he found in his father’s current project. In the mornings, his father would look at his pottery and think, “I can’t believe I did this,” and then take pleasure in his creation. A day is coming when we will take pleasure in what God has made of us.

We are born failures with a bias to sin. Our abililty to please God was shattered when Adam rebelled against His singular command. No matter how much effort we exert, we will come exceedingly short of the perfection we see in Christ. The good news is: Jesus has lived a perfect life in our behalf and He by grace is going to present us spotless and without blame before the Father. He works while we are sleeping. If you are good, it is because Jesus made you good. If you hate sin, Jesus gave you that hatred. If you love your enemies; it is only because of Jesus. It’s grace from start to finish. Jesus does it all and He gets all the glory.
- Looking forward to Sunday: we have a baptism or two Sunday am and our AWANA kick off Sunday night with HALSEY’S HAMBURGERS.
- We have a BUSINESS MEETING coming up September 11, after am worship.
- We are doing a survey this Sunday concerning TRUNK-A-TREAT. Get your survey at the welcome center. We are asking that those who participate also sign up to help at the same time. This means we want a signature.
- Day 24 on 31 DAYS OF PRAYER…One week to go so focus on Church Unity. It’s time to pray, not faint.