Big Dipper or Big Difference


Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

~Isaiah 40:26, NIV


God doesn’t build skyscrapers: men do, but you cannot find a man who can create a star.

~Chuck Swindoll

The first verse in the Bible states: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Hebrew verb for create is bārā’. It is one of the few Hebrew words I remember from my seminary days. It means to create out of nothing. It is a comfort to know that God can do a lot with nothing. Man can make, but he cannot create and certainly cannot create out of nothing. Does a farmer create a harvest? Whose dirt is he using? Who provides the rain? Who makes the wind blow so his fruit will pollinate? Man can only make by using the materials that God created out of nothing. We make, but we don’t create. I can create a mess or confusion, but that is about it. David said, When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place—what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? The first thing we should recognize is that God is the infinite Creator of all things. In the beginning–God! We are because HE IS! When David looks up at the night sky, he worshipped and so should we.

I admit that shyscrappers and supersonic jets are marvels. I am impressed with what man has made. The genius of Einstein and others like him blow me away. There is no way I could build an engine. I might be able to put a steam engine together but you need metal and pipes and I have no idea how refine ore and make iron or steel. So yes, I am impressed with what man has accomplished but it is nothing in comparison with God. There is a big difference between the Big Dipper and a skyscraper. There is an infinite gap between man’s ability, intellect and power and God’s. I get goose bumps when I relate this same principle to His love. God’s love is as infinite as His power. Do we doubt His power? Should we doubt His love? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten {one of the same kind} son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Billy Graham believed God’s motivation for creating us was to have someone to love and someone to love Him back. Of course the reforms would disagree. Their constant theme is that God created us for His glory but God had glory before we were created. The one thing you cannot stop is God getting glory. One might say, “He will not get glory from me.” To that person I would say, “Yes He will.”


Wow, what a beautiful day. Cooler weather and no rain until Monday or Tuesday. I got tomato plants yesterday and I hope to get them out by late evening. June and I are getting to host Mother’s Day so I have a lot of yard work to do but I enjoy it.

I don’t have any info on Ken’s celebration of life service. I am assuming plans have not been made.

I am trying to resist the temptation to share too much from the Gulag Archipelago, so I have decided to put it in the Extra/Extra. Second amendment lovers need to read today’s entry.

The Gulag Archipelago

Vladimir Lenin was the idea or concept person and Stalin was the implementer. Although Stalin seemed more cruel than Lenin, remember that Lenin was his teacher. The following is a direct quote from Lenin…

An oppressed class which does not strive to learn to use arms, to acquire arms, only deserves to be treated like slaves.

Historically speaking, the one thing that worked against the Russian people is that they have never known freedom. The Czars were also tyrants. It is true that some were better than others but the Russian people have never tasted freedom.

Lenin’s quote was not the only thing that surprised me in yesterday’s listening. Marxist ideology makes use of the criminally minded. They not only employ the criminal in the revolution; they use them later to run their prison camps. Trust me, any man with an ounce of decency could not run the camps. So a part of their plan for the revolution is to employ the criminal and destroy the police. I am not making this up. You know full well that we are seeing this happen today.

The greatest fear of a Marxist is PUBLIC OPINION. This is why they must control the media. What Hitler did for a decade, Stalin did for three, but the allies didn’t know what was going on in Russia. George Patton is one of the few who understood that the Russians were just as bad if not worse than the Nazis. The problem was, the Soviet Union kept the truth supressed. No one knew what they were doing. Had the world known about the atrocities Stalin was committing, they would have treated him like Hitler. They fear public opinion. Thus they do not report anything that puts a negative light on their regime. The Soviets had news papers but all were controlled by the communist. There can be no opposition in the Marxist state. You might say they have a four fold approach: [1] Revolution {get control} [2] Eliminate all opposition [3] Surpress the truth [4] Make slaves out of the masses.

If you doubt this four-fold approach; study North Korea or Red China.


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