Emerging Glory


Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but He has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He really is.

~1 John 3:2, NLT


One day something will emerge from you to the glory of His grace.

~Amy Carmichael

In the mountains forest of India there is found the cocoon of the atlas moth. Just another butterfly story huh! Well this butterfly has a wing span of ten inches; that my friends is a big butterfly. The cocoon hangs from tree limbs, like a small brown bad, tied up and forgotten. No matter how often you see this unattractive brown bag, one is never prepared for what emerges. A worm, and ugly worm struggled through that narrow opening at the bottom of the sack. Slowly it struggles for it’s freedom and when it finally emerges, there it is, a butterfly bigger than many birds. It has wings of crimson, pink and gold. Each wing has a window as transparent as glass. This creature is one of the wonders of the world and it all emerged from a plain and unattractive brown bag.

Life here on earth is a struggle because we are in the cocoon stage. Just as the creation of man was totally a God thing so is our glorification. You and I are not alive due to our creative powers. God formed us in the womb and gave us our genetic code. Why is it so hard to believe that he can glorify these earthly bodies; transforming them into something unimaginable. John confessed, “I don’t know what we are going to be like but I do know, we will be like Him.” That was enough to satisfy John and it is enough for me. Just getting rid of this sinful nature and the flesh excites me. No more temptation. No more anxiety. No more guilt, sorrow or grief. Jesus taught spiritual truth using the natural world as illustrator. Like the atlas moth, someday, after a long struggle, a new life will emerge from these old earthly cocoons to the amazement of mankind and to the glory of his grace.

Headed to the POINT, getting ready for VBS. We setting up our BIBLE STUDY TENT and doing some spraying. By the way, the vans will run Sunday night through Wednesday. I may need one parent a night to drive a van. I am inviting all parents to Wednesday night which is a picnic and a brief program. It is also water night with a giant water slide. I will take the kids home Sun-Tue but I ain’t messing with 25 wet kids on Wednesday. Everyone tells me that I will have my hands full: both sets of triplets, Essie Day and Pepper. They tell me that Pepper is a pill and I know Essie is a beast. I may have to get Jason to ride along and help me. Fat chance, right Jason! I do not pick them up: you bring them to me at 1120 Iron Man. I will let you know the time tomorrow, I can’t remember right now. But the main thing is don’t bring them early.

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