How fragile is life, how quickly things can change.
~N.E. Turner
Isaiah is referring the kingdom of Babylon. They were living comfortably and at ease but Isaiah warned them that this would change in an instant, a moment and Isaiah was right. Belshazzar was having a party when he saw the hand writing on the wall. Daniel had to tell him what it meant: “God has numbered the days of your reign and has brought it to an end—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up—your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” Belshazzar went to bed the King of Babylon but he did not wake up king, matter of fact, he didn’t wake up at all. The Medes took the city and his life during the night. It all happened in a few hours. Everything changed and it was never the same again.
The Babylonians made two bad mistakes: They did not consider the consequences of enslaving the Jews and they became very proud and decadent. They used the word “Never” and this is a word that humble people do not use. Folks, I have seen it far too often. One tragic accident, one moment of carelessness, one catastrophic event, one heart attack, one stroke and everything changes.
- This entire year has passed quickly in spite of the drought and heat. I can’t believe that is is November 5, the eve of our REVIVAL. We will have two services tomorrow, 10:15 and 6:00. Pray, attend and invite a friend.
- OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is also upon us. If you want to participate but do not want to shop or wrap, you can give Renee Bass $25 and she will do it in your behalf. I am not sure when the deadline is: I think they have to be in by November 20th.
- No deacons meeting tomorrow. We begin at 9:00 with breakfast and LCBS at 9:15. No AWANA tomorrow.