Nourish Your Faith


Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. And many people were brought to the Lord.

~Acts 11:24, NLT


“Feed your faith, starve your doubts.”

~Adrian Rogers

How do we develop a “Strong Faith” like Barnabas? How does an athlete develop strong muscles. You have to work out, you have to practice your faith. Paul exhorted the Corinthians to practice their faith. Practice produces endurance. A second thing to do is feed your soul daily with the word of God. Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We must stay in the word if we want our faith to grow. Paul said to the ColossiansLet your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. He said to the Galatians, So we have been greatly encouraged in the midst of our troubles and suffering, dear brothers and sisters, because you have remained strong in your faith. Peter said {I Peter 5:9} Stand firm against him {Satan}, and be strong in your faith. The key to a strong faith is to abide in Christ. We maintain this vital connection by staying in His word.

We live in an age of secularism. Things have change drastically in the past 200 years. Liberals boast that this secularization is a good thing. We have always had atheist and agnostics but now this unbelief seems like the default position of our age. In 1933 John Dewey changed American education for the worse. Dewey was an atheist who predicted science would replace religious faith, just has automobiles replaced the horse and buggy. His goal was to secularize America and to do it through education. He also inferred that intelligent people did not need religion. I agree in part, we don’t need religion but all men need Christ. These secular humanist are a piece of work: they are wishful thinkers. They all have Einstein and Jefferson on their list of unbelievers; again inferring that intellectual people don’t believe in Christ. I have yet to find evidence that Einstein or Jefferson did not believe in a Infinite Power. Dewey could not carry a light for a table of bible translators. Dewey also idolized Hegel and Darwin. John Dewey was a fool but that is not the worse: he is considered by professional educators today as the FATHER OF MODERN EDUCATION. Herein lies a huge problem: we have been indoctrinating the minds of young people with lies for almost a century. Evolution is garbage. It is horse hockey. It is a huge stretch of the depraved human imagination, right out of the pits of hell.

You are not going to get anything from government education that will feed your faith. You are not going to get it from TV either. Unholywood is filled with secular humanist. A large part of TV and movies is designed to shake your faith, not nourish it. This world system is set against Christ and they are going to do anything other than encourage or nourish your faith. If you spend more time in front of a TV than you do in the word of God it is going to hard for your faith to grow. One thing is certain, the world is not going to feed your faith.

  • Thing are popping like a kettle of popcorn. December is flying by and I am not really close to get my stuff moved from the church office. I need a steroid shot and a few 48 hour days. I doubt if I could catch up if I had both.
  • Today might be a travel day for Joe David. He and Lori are going down for his GRADUATION on Saturday. June, Hannah, Hope, Holly and myself will leave tomorrow evening for New Orleans via Covington. We are indebted to all who have helped. A special thanks to Judy and Keith for helping Joe David through the last Semester. I want to thank Anthony Shaneyfelt for getting us a room for Friday night.
  • No DEACONS MEETING this Sunday. We will begin with breakfast at 9:00. My last Deacon’s meeting will be next Wednesday night at 6:00. My final sermon will be this Sunday, THE LOVING FATHER, my favorite sermon. I will be doing a very brief See-Sermon on December 25
  • I had a good time at THE GATHERING last night. It was my last as the Pastor of DBC.



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