“And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
~Genesis 12:3, LSB
Subtract Jesus from the equation and you have nothing: add Him and you have everything.
Genesis twelve is a record of the original promises that God made to Abraham the father of faith. They are easy to spot, Most are prefaced with the subject/verb “I will.”
- I will show you a land
- I will make you a great nation
- I will bless you
- I will make your name great
- I will bless those who bless you
- I will curse those who curse you
- In you, all the families of the earth will be blessed
How in this world could God bless every person on earth through the seed of Abraham. It is a promise that seems utterly impossible and yet God had fulfilled the promise in Jesus. I love what Paul said to the Corinthians believers, “All God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ.” [2 Corinthians 1:20] I love the story of Jesus showing up on the road to Emmaus and speaking to some of the disciples [Luke 24:27] “And Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, and explained from the scripture Himself.” the Bible is our HIM book, it is all about Him. We did Psalm 88 in Communion yesterday and it is all about Jesus and His agony and suffering. Jesus is in Genesis one and Revelation twenty-two, and everywhere in between. Jesus told the Jewish high command, “You search the scriptures because you think they give you eternal life, but the scriptures point to Me, and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.”
How can David always have a descendant on the throne and how can Aaron always have a priest to intercede? The Jews have not had a king is twenty-five hundred years; at least not an earthly king. They have not had a high priest in almost two thousand years so how can these promises be fulfilled? Jesus, the Son of David and a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Paul was right, Jesus is the fulfillment to all of God’s promises. You subtract Jesus and you have nothing. You add Him to the equation and you have everything.
I love COMMUNION and the LORD was so gracious to us yesterday and it was such a blessing. Of course, Doug {the engaged man} does a great job preparing our hearts. Right before Communion, he sang MERCY WALKED IN. Have you ever listened closely to the words of the chorus?
Mercy walked in and pleaded my case
Called to the stand, God’s saving grace The blood was presented that covered my sin Forgiven when mercy walked inFolks it was all I could do to stay seated. God is good!
Big Mike, alias Big Daddy, is at home. He was too tired to make it yesterday but I know for a fact he would have been present had he had the energy. Joe David told me last week that Grace Point had ten people going to Guatemala in May and I said, “No way!” I have been begging and twisting arms for five years and Charles is the only one who has been. The good news is that jack didn’t know what he was talking about: Charles, Le Ann, Emma, Josh, Mary, Ellie, Sawyer and Briley Hollaway are going. I have forgotten who the other two are: Fin may be one of them. It may be Don and Terri Widner, I can’t remember. June would like to go but she is not able physically. I am thrilled to be sending ten Missionaries to Guatemala.
More good News! Riley and Genesis Construction got our roof on. We now have a fellowship hall. As soon as we hang some lights in there, we will coronate it with a meal. I am kidding but it will not be long. Actually Riley has gone to work for someone else. He and David couldn’t get along. Just kidding, Riley can get along with anyone but he is doing an internship someone else.
Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog..