Jesus spoke up and said, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.”
~Matthew 16:5, Passion
There is a huge difference between being antisemitic and anti-sadducee.
When I mention rich Jews, I notice folks around me getting nervous but they have nothing to fear: I am pro-Israel to core. I am however, anti-Sadducee. The Sadducees were more or less a political party. They were descendants of Abraham by race but not in faith. The Sadducees had no faith. They did not believe in miracles, the resurrection, heaven and in the depravity of humanity, They certainly did not see a need for a Savior. Yet these very corrupt individuals controlled the Sanhedrin and the Temple. They were the masterminds behind the crucifixion of Jesus, which after the fact they denied. Jesus warned us to WATH OUT for their corruption and vice. Jesus was not just talking to folks two thousand years ago: He is talking to us. The Sadducees are alive and well. In America they do not control the Temple, or at least I hope they don’t but they do control banking and the media. Actually, they control Hollywood and the entertainment industry and much, much more but this is beside the point.
The character or the Sadducee has not changed one iota: [1] They are greedy lovers of money. [2] They worship power. [3] They hate Jesus and anything that pertains to Him. Don’t underestimate this deep loathing they have for our LORD. [4] They have no faith. They do not believe the Bible. They do not believe in God. They have not changed a bit, they do not believe in anything other than money and power and they are obsessed with both. By the way, they are not pro-Israel. They love and promote themselves. They don’t have a patriotic bone in their body. What most folks fail to understand is that they make up a small minority of the Jewish people. Most Jews are not rich. The world is filled with industrial middle class Jews and there are also poor Jews. Both Stalin and Hilter forced the Jews into Ghettos. The word Ghetto may be a combination of Latin and Yiddish meaning and enclosed area. Many of these Ghettos became slums due to overcrowding. A large number of people in a small area cut off from the outside. They were not allowed out of the ghetto or gulag to work or to get resources. Some estimate that Stalin starved as many as ten million Jews. The Jews in Eastern Europe and Russian have never fully recovered. Poverty abounds among the Jews in this part of the world and this included the Ukraine.
What has György Schwartz [Alias George Soros} done about the starving Jews in the Ukraine? Nothing; he spends his money promoting riots in America. The Sadducees are not great Americans; they are not patriots. They are power brokers in it for themselves and they all lean toward Marxism. I am just repeating the words of Jesus, “WATCH OUT FOR THE YEAST OF THE SADDUCEES.”
Another beautiful day it appears: Thank You Jesus. I had to go get Jackson early this morning and forgot to post before I left; sorry about that. Have a great day and week!