The Sound Of His Voice


Then I heard the man speak, and when I heard the sound of his voice, I fainted and lay there with my face to the ground.

~Daniel 10:9, NLT


He speaks and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing.

~Austin Miles

Daniel had a terrifying vision that left him without strength or vigor. Daniel was lying on the ground like a dead man. I believe the heavenly messenger was an angel who came to assure Daniel that his prayer had been heard. I like what the angel said to Daniel, “Don’t be afraid, for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” Daniel’s strength was renewed. When the same subject appears twice in one day {during my devotional reading}, I pay attention. When it occurs three times, I really take notice. Today, the thrill of God speaking to me came up three times.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss uses the Songs of Solomon as a text in illustrating the importance of secrecy or privacy in our daily devotion. We must have a quiet place, away from all the distractions if we want to be intimate with Christ. Solomon and his lover desired being together in secret. Just as we need private time to be intimate with our spouse, we need private time to be intimate with Jesus. He can speak through the noise and din but that is not His common habit: He wants you to find a place where He can spend time with you alone. Remember what Jesus taught us in Matthew 6, When you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private

The greatest reward of a quiet time with the LORD is not our speaking openly to HIM, although I do love this aspect: the greatest reward is HIM speaking to us. More often than not, He speaks to me through His word but there are special times when He speaks to my spirit. When He speaks, the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing. Like Daniel, I am refreshed and rejuvenated by His voice. Just as a hot shower refreshes, and cleanses the body, the sound of His voices refreshes and cleanses our soul. It feels good to be cleansed and refreshed, doesn’t it. Listen, He wants to meet with you even more than you want to meet with HIM. Don’t let another day go by without meeting with Him in secret.


My verse for today is Psalm 17:15, When I awake, I will see You face to face and be satisfied. I love that verse. We are starting our preparation for the procedure tomorrow. No solid food today and only clear liquids. I will be glad when it is over. Loving this weather although some are predicting storms for this afternoon and snow tomorrow.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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