Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!
~Psalms 27:14, NKJV
The longer we wait for something, the more we appreciate it when it arrives.
If my patience was gun powder, I wouldn’t have enough to blow my nose. If my paitence was leather, I would not have enough to saddle a flea: in other words, I have no patience and that is not a virtue. When June and I left on our four day vacation a week ago, I did really well all day: no road rage, no melt-downs. I had prayed that God would help me and I began to think “He has healed me,” and then it happened in St. Louis. I missed a turn and no one would let me change lanes. I put my blinker on and waited patiently and almost got run over. By the time I got into the right lane I was fuming and June was upbraiding me for my impatience. Night before last, coming from Athens, Josie and Ty were riding with Big Mama and myself and some idiot ran a stop sign putting my grandchilden in jepordy, I instantly called him a “Dipstick” probably a stupid dipstick. You can ask Ty, he remembers every word. June jumps all over me, “You have kids in the car.” I said, “I may do it but he is still an idiot.” I am not healed!
Everyone fusses at me about my impatience with the weather. I want a rain so bad I can’t think about anything else. June sounds like a recording: “Be patient, God will send us a rain when He is ready.“ I know that but what am I supposed to do in the mean time? The bottom line is: I don’t have a choice, I must wait. My only option is how I wait. Will I wait patiently or will I wait in agony and misery? I am trying hard but I need help. I would not be offended if you prayed for my healing.
- The GATHERING TONIGHT at 6:30…Be here or be backslidden!
- Looking to Sunday: Deacon and wives at 9:10 in the Sanctuary. Important meeting! Don’t miss it!
- Don’t forget to bring TRUNK-A-TREAT candy to the foyer. Candy is 50% off at KROGERS today.
- I’ve been thinking about Jesus quote of Isaiah in Luke 4 lately...““The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” [Isa. 61:1] I have a nephew who is brokenhearted: his name is Paul. It was his daughter who was killed in the tragic accident in Ardmore a little over a month ago. Say a prayer for Paul.