And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.
~Romans 8:26, NLT
Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.
~Romans 8:34, NLT
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have two Persons praying for you today: The Spirit of God and the Son of God.
~David McCasland
I was intending to blog on Psalm 142 and then I read OUR DAILY BREAD. It begins with this line…When we face a perplexing situation or a tough problem, we often ask others to pray for us but what would we do if we had no one to intercede on our behalf? In Psalms 142, David was isolated in a cave. He was alone with not one human to help. What if we were in a foriegn country with no believer in sight to share our prayer request with?
Just as Moses had two prayer helpers in Aaron and Hur, we too have prayer helpers and Paul tells us about both in Romans 8. The Ruwach Qodesh [Spirit of Holiness] interceeds in our heart or spirit and Jesus interceeds for us in heaven. We have a pray helper on both ends.
Personally, I am a pray hog or glutton. I can’t get too many people praying for me. I love it when friends text me and tell me that they have prayed for me during their QT. I don’t mind asking people to pray for me either. This sparked a thought in my mind: we have many members who have ask me at one time or the other to pray for them but we have some who have never made such a request. Is it possible for a person to be so full of pride that they never ask anyone to pray for them? Most people will allow you to pray for them even though they are not open to the gospel but I have encountered at least two in my life who said point blank: “I don’t want or need your prayers.” This is a sad state of mind, everyone needs prayer. If you don’t have at least two persons praying for you, there is no way you are going to make it to heaven. Humble your proud heart and admit the truth: you need prayer.
- Joe David and I have a good friend from Priceville {Don Widner}. Don’s wife passed away and the service is today. Don is a long time football and basketball official and a good one. He is a good person also. Don helped me put up a sattlelite disc many years ago. It was an experience.
- Rev. Wheeler Kidd, age 87, passed away at his home in Ardmore, surrounded by his family on Tuesday, September 27, 2016. He was born on October 3, 1928 in Leighton, AL to David and Anne (Hagood) Kidd. Bro. Kidd graduated from Howard College in Birmingham, AL and Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY. He was married to Marie Lansdell, his high school sweetheart, for sixty-seven years. Bro. Kidd pastored churches in Indiana, Georgia, and Alabama. Bro. Kidd and Marie served one term as Southern Baptist Missionaries to Singapore and Malaysia and he pastored churches in Singapore and Johore Bahru, Malaysia. Rev. Kidd left a lasting legacy for the Lord at every stop and his rewards in Heaven will be great. Bro. Kidd loved fishing, golf, and Alabama football. Some of his favorite times were spent with his children and grandchildren and working on his farm. He is survived by his beloved wife Marie; son Ron (Sherry) Kidd, daughter: Micki (Scott) Woodfin; grandchildren: Brandon (Rachel) Kidd, Josh (Katie) Kidd, Garrett (Sarah) Kidd, Tarah Woodfin, Zach Woodfin, and Jordan Woodfin; and great-grandchildren: Addison Kidd and Spencer Kidd.
CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE will be held on Friday, September 30, 2016, at Piney Grove Baptist Church, Ardmore, AL at 2:00 P.M. with Dr. Ray Stonecypher and Bro. Lynn Marshall officiating. Private burial will be in Gatlin Cemetery. Bro. Kidd used us more than once. I preached a revival for him while he was a Carter’s Grove. He took up a love offering for us that got us started in our 2nd year of Seminary. He was a good man. When I got word that he was sick, I visited but he did not remember me. Daddy and I had poured a lot of concrete for him when he retired but he couldn’t remember those days.
- GATHERING TONIGHT 6:30–We had a record crowd last week [since we changed AWANA to Sunday] and 4 additions by letter and 2 professions of faith. That will be hard to top but nothing is impossible with God.
- REMINDER: DBC is hosting the Morgan Baptist Association Annual Meeting this year {October 24} and I need a HOSTESS and a serving team. We are providing supper. We will buy the meat, bread, tea but we need help on Veges and desserts. Don’t all you ladies volunteer at once.
- TRUNK-A-TREAT: We have 29 signed up but we could use at least 11 more. Remember, there is a 50$ prize to best decorated vehicle/trunk and best costume.