This is what the LORD said to me: “Go and buy yourself a linen undergarment and put it on.” So I bought underwear as the LORD instructed me and put it on.
~Jeremiah 13:1-2, CSB
Perfect holiness, the aim of saints on earth, and the reward of saints in heaven.
~Joseph Caryl
I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and for some strange reason, one that I have never understood, Mother always asks me, before I went anywhere, “Son, do you have on clean underwear?” I responded many times with: “Mother, no one is going to see my underwear,” and she came back with, “You never know when you will be in a wreck.” What a wreck has to do with clean underwear, I do not know but she did plant the thought in my mind. In most wrecks, the underwear is going to get messed up because a wreck can scare the crap out of you. I took too much metamucil the other day and I was on the road between nursing homes and I was having serious doubts if I was going to make it to the next stop. The first thing that went through my mind was, “If I am in a wreck, this truck is going to be a mess.” I would sure hate to be the EMT that covered it, amen!
Seriously, clean underwear is very important because it fits next to your body. Everyone knows I am not fashion conscience but I am a fanatic about clean underwear. If you don’t believe me, ask the one who washes the clothes at our house. I don’t even wear old underwear except for the one shirt I got from daddy. June just bought me a draw full of new socks the other day. I will wear about anything on the outside [as long as it is not pink] but underneath I want clean, firm and fairly new stuff because this is what fits closely to my body and my body is a temple. God told Jeremiah to buy a new pair of underwear and then he told him to hid the new underwear on the bank of the river Euphrates. Had I been Jeremiah, I would probably have said, “What’s wrong with the Jordan, the Euphrates is 600 miles away.” Anyway, Jeremiah buried the new underwear on the bank of the Euphrates as the LORD instructed. Then a few months later, the LORD told him to go dig them up which he did and of course they were ruined and unfit to wear. Then the LORD spoke to Jeremiah, “I will ruin the pride of both Judah and Jerusalem; they will become like this underwear, unfit to be close to Me.” The LORD said of Judah, “These people refuse to listen to me; they follow the stubbornness of their own hearts, they have become like this pair of dirty underwear, no use at all.”
Abba Father, we confess our sins and undoneness to YOU the Holy One. We pledge to obey YOU because we want no part of rebellion against YOU. Our desire is to be close to YOU and to be useful in YOUR kingdom for what ever purpose You desire. As Mary once prayed, “be it unto us according to YOUR will.” In Jesus name, we pray. Amen!
- What about the Tribe, taking the first two games of a four game series from the mighty Bo-Soxs.
There is no greater pleasure than beating those East Coast Yankees; oh yeah, they are Yankees. We won 6-3 in spite of horrible base running and a couple of horrible calls. It should have been 8 or 9 to three because the New Yorkers overturned a play on the field robbing the Indians of another opportunity and there was no video evidence. Par for the course. Typical Yankee bias against the poor industrial Midwest. Hey, it could be worse, the NY Yankee’s could have the best team in Baseball but they aren’t: Boston holds that honor. The Yankee’s do have the best team money can buy. I just love it when they prove and reprove that money can’t buy happiness. Cheer up folks, the South will rise again.
- I guess I had my last birthday party yesterday for 2018. I enjoyed every minute of it: good food and good fellowship. Mr. Hardy gave me a birthday card that reads…I use to crastinate, then I decided to go pro. Now I procrastinate. That ain’t bad for a history teacher. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
- Roger Burcham should go back to Moulton today if everything goes according to plan.