

Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin.

~Psalm 53:1, TLB


We get a Ph.D. degree and strut across a stage, saying to ourselves, “God You’ve done a poor job, take a break and let me fix things.”

~J.B. Graham

We have a serious drug problem in Morgan County, but thankfully we are not swamped with violent crime, not yet. Most large cities in America are war zones. Murder and violent crime are rampant. If you read the last IMPRIMIS, you know that George Soros and company have financed the election of several Rogue District Attoneys in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis and Philidelpha. These rogue D.A.s are refusing to prosecute crimes committed by the oppressed. Their goal is to keep black men out of prison because the numbers don’t balance being that there are more blacks in prison than whites. This must be due to white supremacy and racial oppression. These people are fools. What they have managed to do so far is get more blacks killed than ever. BLM is solely responsible for the increase of murders in the black community. The Rogue Attorney concept is a complete failure and it has already been abandoned by two major cities. It is the same old, same old, men trying to fix men. Man is not the solution to the problem: man is the problem. To be more specific, sin is the problem.

The wicked heart, the evil deeds and the sickness of sin; this is the problem. I am amazed at how liberals think or fail to think. You can take a hog out of the hog pen, wash it, clean it up good, and put a blue ribbon on it, and you have changed its appearance, but you have no altered its nature: it is still a hog. When you turn it lose, it will go right bad to the mud and wallow. The problem with man is his heart. If you don’t change his heart, you don’t change him, and only God can change the heart. We are sinners. We are totally depraved but liberals refuse to talk about the fallen nature of all man. Not only do they not speak of God, they do not recognize sin. This blows my mind. How can anyone fail to see the sinful nature of man.

So the libs smoke their ideological pipe and dream of a world with no crime, no war, no sickness or death. Yet they refuse to acknowledge God’s sovereign rule over His creation or the fact that we are fallen creatures in need of redemption. So these idiots, liberals, think that education and technology can save us. I learned to read and write in a three-room school house. We had one teacher for six grades and the only expense to tax payers was the salary of the teacher. The community provided all the rest. I know we know more today than we did in 1955 but I’m not sure that public education is any better. I will tell you why it is not in two words: John Dewey. Public education today is a form of endoctrination and it is the disciples of Dewey who write the text books.

We are not going to fix the problem by throwing money at it–money will not help.  Education and technology are not going to fix this broken world. The first step to recovery is to acknowledge the problem which is SIN. The libs refuse to do this. The only sin in their book, is to call sin a sin.


Have not heard from Ken since yesterday morning. He was in very critical condition yesterday. Melanie Mitchess got to check out of the hospital and move to her apartment there in Houston. Brent said she was tired but not in any great pain.

On a much lesser note: I have garden fever and can’t get into the garden. We got so much rain last week that our garden is still mud. I will be crying for rain in a few weeks so I am trying to be patient. It is not a big deal.

Thankful for a good day yesterday. God has been good to me. The Spirit moved last night. I should have given an invitation. It didn’t hurt to have an audience filled with preachers. Rick Freeman, Joe David and Dr. Spencer M. Bell.

Pastor’s Conference this morning, Breakfast and the Bible in the morning at Warehouse Coffee in Hartselle.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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