

Ezra had committed himself to study and obey the Law of the LORD. He also wanted to teach the LORD’s rules and laws in Israel.

~Ezra 7:10, NIrV


Everyone has their heart set on something!


I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s. Unless you lived in town, there was no little league, no organized sports for children. I played basketball on the 4-H team in 5-6 grades and then football and basketball in the 7th and on. Other than my 8th grade football team, every team I played on had a losing record but I didn’t care, I just wanted to play. My heart was set on being a professional ball player. I rarely thought of anything else.

I firmly believe that everyone has their heart set on something. I believe the Bear wanted to be the winningest coach in college football and of course Bobby Bowden and Joe Paterno had the same goal. I believe John D. Rockefeller’s heart was set on becoming wealthy. I believe Von Braun’s heart was set on putting a man on the moon. Moses heart was set on liberating the Israelites and leading them into the promise land. Paul’s heart was set on getting the gospel to the world. Ezra’s heart was set on studying the word of God and teaching the word to others.

Some ambitions are very worldly but as you can see in the list above, some are very noble. What is your heart set on?

I’m off to work so don’t have much time. I hope you have a great day and a great week! I should I written about George Washington today. I have Washington first, Jefferson second and Reagan third. Those are the best. My worse list begins with Lincoln, Obama, Carter, Grant, Clinton.  Lincoln is first because without him we would not have had the others. Lincoln destroyed States Rights.

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