There is not enough here for all the people, his {Elisha} servant said. “Just give it to them,” Elisha replied, the LORD has promised to provide.
~2 Kings 4:43, JEV
Man says, “Show me and I will trust You.” God says, “Trust Me and I will show you.”
~Image Quotes
Elisha’s words are similar to that of Paul’s… And my God will supply all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. The scripture declares four times that the RIGHTEOUS WILL LIVE BY FAITH. Paul told the Corinthians point blank…We live by faith, not sight. This great temptation to manage our own resources is common to all men. We are like Philip and the other disciples when they looked at the lads small lunch, “What good will that do with a crowd this size. There is not enough.” We make the same mistake that the disciples and Elisha’s servant made, we underestimate the power of God. The disciples are talking directly to the BREAD OF LIFE about a lack of bread. I wonder if Jesus thought…“Will these morons ever learn?” How can there be a lack of bread when you are in the very presence of the DIVINE BAKER and BREAD MAKER. It’s like standing directly under a bright sun and praying for light.
I love Elisha’s answer to the doubting servant…“Just shut up and give them the bread you have and trust God that it will be sufficient.” {JEV} Stop complaining and GIVE! Stop making excuses and GIVE! Stop worrying and GIVE! Stop doubting and GIVE! Stop questioning God’s ability and GIVE! I can cut it don’t to two words, “JUST GIVE!” Greed is the easiest vice to attack and conquer, JUST GIVE! Years ago when Joe David first got involved in ministry, he came to me and said, “Daddy, the easiest of all Christians disciplines is to tithe…giving is the easy part.” I knew in an instant that he had hit the nail on the head. If you struggle with giving, may God have mercy on you when it comes to envy, pride and lust.
Get a load of the racially-charged prayer delivered at Baylor University’s 2019 commencement by Dan Freemyer, the pastor of Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth.
“God, give them the moral imagination to reject the old keys we are trying to give them to a planet that we are poisoning by running it on fossil fuels and misplaced priorities – a planet with too many straight, white men like me behind the steering wheel while others have been expected to sit quietly in the back of the bus,” the minister prayed.
Like Reforms, liberal have certain words that are dead give-a-ways, like the word ‘planet.’ This is unbelievable but not shocking. You can throw Baylor in with all the Ivy League schools that were started as schools of theology; they have gone to the dogs. Broadway Baptist church has some sorry deacons: good ones would fired liberal.
Hey, what will the left come up with next as a slur for white men? They first tagged us as “Angry white males.” I kind of liked that one and used it all the time. Then Hillary labeled us the “Deplorables.” So I picked that one up and ran with it but it didn’t go over as well as Hillary intended and the media dropped in like a hot potato. So now we a “Straight white men.” I have a question: are there no black straight men? Let’s see if we can put all the left-wing slurs together: we are deplorable angry white males who are straight or what about “deplorably straight angry white males.” I like that, that pretty well characterizes me. Hey, they were enough “Deplorables” to keep Hillary out of the White House. I wonder what kind of army or police force we would have if you did away with all the “Deplorables.” Liberals talk but they don’t think. It was the Deplorables who won our independence and they are the ones who maintain it.