Jesus In The Scriptures


Jesus explained to them what was said about Himself in all the Scriptures. He began with Moses and all the Prophets.

Luke 24:27, NIrV


Our bible study has no significance if in our study we do not see Jesus. Seeing Jesus brings scripture to life.

~David Bennett

We had a great discussion in our LCBS class last Sunday about how gentle and understanding Jesus was in bringing His disciples up to speed. Jesus had told them repeatedly what was going to happen but they had not been listening. Had they listened and understood, they would not have been shocked. They would have been comforting those who did not understand. Saying things like, “Don’t worry, He died physically but He is not really dead. Remember what He told us, in three days I will arise.” This was not the case, the disciples were devastated by the crucifixion. They were filled with fear and doubt. They were distressed and depressed. Finding the tomb empty does not solve their faith problem: they still do not believe. Then Jesus appears to them but they think He is a ghost. Jesus gently works with them, moving them incrementally closer and closer to the truth. When he showed them how to find HIM in the scriptures, that seals the deal. Notice what Jesus said to the Disciples on the road to Emmaus, Jesus explained to them what was said about Himself in all the Scriptures. He began with Moses and all the Prophets.” Did you notice the bold, “In all the scriptures?” Jesus opened their eyes to see this vital connection between Himself and the word; once they seen it, they were good to go.

Do you see Jesus in the O.T. scriptures? If you can read Psalm 22 or Isaiah 53 and not see Jesus, then your eyes have not been opened. Your faith will falter until you see Jesus in ALL THE SCRIPTURES. The bible is our HIM book. The book of Psalms is a hymn book and a HIM book. The bible is a HIM book because it is all about HIM {Jesus}. If you don’t see Jesus in all the scriptures, don’t get distressed. He is not playing hiding go seek. He wants you to see HIM. He is a gentle Savior with unbelievable patience. Ask HIM right now to open your eyes so that you can see HIM in all the scriptures. This is not a bad pray for any of us.

We were filled with gratitude and thanksgiving as Dian’s surgery went even better than expected. She was making phone calls last night and in no pain. We had church right there in the waiting room. Where two or three are gathered and we had a crowd.  When Joe David started his prayer there was a lot of noise in the room but by the time he closed, you could hear no one but the Holy Spirit speaking through him. Thank YOU Jesus.

Don Fields and I will be leaving shortly to visit Jimmy Hogan. Jimmy has stage 4 cancer.

Golden Girls has been changed from May 6th to May 13th.

We got a little over 1/2 inch of rain yesterday and we Praise the LORD Jesus for it: Thank You Jesus!

This new is hot off the press: No LCBS on May 7th which is SENIOR ADULT DAY. Senior Adults are to fill the choir and Bro. John will meet with us at 9:00 AM in the choir loft.

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