Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound.
~Psalm 4:7, NIV
God’s answer to every human problem is Jesus.
David noticed the same thing that you and I witness: sometimes the wicked prosper while the faithful have problems. When idol worshiping pagans fair better in the market place than we do, it can cause some consternation. We have to keep a couple of things in mind: first, our joy does not depend on circumstances and secondly, we have to make sure our heart is right. A divided heart can sap our joy and so can an envious or bitter heart. Our JOY is in Jesus. There is no way God can give us joy a part from His Son. We may get pleasure from our horizontal relationships but our joy comes from Christ. We are fallen creatures who can’t get anything right. David was a good king by human standards but he was flawed. I imagine Uriah’s family was disappointed in the king. The good news is that Jesus is the real King: He will eventually clean up David’s mess. He will show us what a good King is like. I am a pastor or shepherd but I am flawed. Jesus is the GOOD SHEPHERD. He is coming to clean up my mess also. Jesus is everything we are not. There is no earthy king or ruler who can set things straight and bring peace to the planet other than Jesus. Jesus fulfills all our inadequacies. He is exactly what we need.
Money is good; we need money. It buys us gas and groceries which we need but it is a poor substitute for God and it cannot give you or anyone else joy. The most miserable people on the planet are filthy rich. God’s throne is not being challenged. He has no rivals in the sense of equals. There is only one God manifested in three persons but we make other things our god by giving them our affection and our trust. These puny idols are no threat to God but they can threaten our peace and joy. While others trusted in weapons of war and wealth, David put his faith in God. We would be wise to do likewise.
Thanks for reading the blog and I hope you have a great week. Big Mama is having back surgery today and I have a lot on my mind. Joe David has gone to San Francisco with David Wood; both that and June’s surgery is on my mind and I not going to worry about a ball game. We did good to get this far. If we win we win; if we lose the sun will come up and if it doesn’t, it will not be due to a football game. God bless you and have a great day.
Kids and Teachers, you have my deepest sympathy. I had rather go to work any day as to go to school.