New Wine


“But no one who drinks the old wine seems to want the new wine. ‘The old wine is just fine,’ they say.”

~Luke 5:39, NLT


“You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”

~T. Ray Keenum

my thoughts red

Jesus was uniquely refreshing, a breath of fresh air, totally unlike any rabbi the Jews have ever encountered. He is the only person in history who fulfilled or could fulfill all the qualifications of the Messiah and yet the Jews as a whole rejected HIM. He offered them something new and exciting but they choose to cling to the old and familiar. In Philippians 3 Paul tells how he let go of the old to embrace the new: he turned his back on the law {traditions of men} and legalism to embrace Christ and grace. Things Paul once treasured became rubbish to him because he had a new love, a new passion that compelled him to let go of the old.

Judaism was the seed from which Christianity sprang but the flower {Christ} is more glorious than the seed {Judaism}. Jesus told the Jewish religious establishment, “You are trying to put new wine in old skins and it will not work; you will lose both the wine and the skins.” Jesus words have been fulfilled: The Jews clung to a religion that has become a faint shadow of Old Testament Judaism. They have no Temple, no sacrifice, no High Priest, and no atonement because they rejected the SAVIOR.

Are there some things you need to let go of; things you need to stop clinging to so you can embrace the new. If you don’t make a break with your past, you will miss the joy of the present. Let go of your trespasses and the trespasses against you. Embrace Jesus and live in the freedom of His grace. O Hallelujah, O What A Savior!


June insisted that I go to one of the walk-in clinics yesterday evening and they say I have the flu which means I am shut in for a few days. I have canceled everything for today and made arrangement for Wednesday but I will play it by ear. I can go but I don’t want to share my flu with you. I didn’t visit any Senior adults Friday or Saturday because at the time, I thought I had a head cold. I don’t want to miss church or Ty’s games but I have to think of others.

I am glad we got Josh’s ordination in yesterday morning. I just hope I gave no one the flu. The service went well although I forgot one thing.

I hope you have a great Monday and a great week. Thanks for reading the blog.

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