City Of God

Scripture Great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, His holy mountain. ~Psalm 48:1, LSB Quote It is typical of God to use the insignificant. He gets greater glory when He makes the insignificant significant. ~John Goldingay I don’t know if you have been to Israel or not, but if…


Scripture “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” ~Luke 11:23, NKJV Quote Neutral men are the devil’s allies. ~Edwin Hubbel I was having a discussion with a liberal {democrat} and he said, “Everything is not black and white. There is a gray area.” I…

The Immutibility of God

Scripture “For I, Yahweh, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.” ~Malachi 3:6, LSB Quote God does not change: His character does not change, His truth does not change, his purposes do not change. He is forever the same. ~J.I. Packer We called my Daddy’s mother mawmaw. She was born…

Knowing God Part II

Scripture I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. ~John 15:15, NLT Quote Being a servant can be a matter of shame or pride; it depends on who you are serving. ~J.I. Packer {Knowing…

The Good Old Days

Scripture Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise. ~Ecclesiastes 7:10, NLT Quote The good old days are a product of selective memory. We remember the good but block out the bad. ~Ya’Akov I hope you don’t mind me thinking out loud. I find myself longing for the good old days. I was…

The Mercy Store

Scripture  Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. ~2 Corinthians 1:3, HCSB Quote God is the Father of a multitude or variety of mercies. There is no sin or misery but God has mercy for it. ~Thomas Goodwin Jesus told the story…


Scripture Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to Yahweh, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. ~Isaiah 55:7, LSB Quote It is difficult to remove terror from trembling minds, but the nature of God is that He is ready to…

Our Image Of The Father

Scripture For He does not afflict from His heart or grieve the sons of men. ~Lamentations 3:33, LSB Quote He is a God who delights in mercy, and judgment is His strange work.” ~Jonathan Edwards I think I mentioned it in another blog, the Story of the Prodigal’s Father in Luke 15 was shared because…

We Have An Advocate

Scripture My little children, I’m writing these things to you so that you might not sin. Yet if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus, the Messiah, one who is righteous. ~1 John 2:1, ISV Quote The bible nowhere teaches that once we have savingly been united with Christ, we find grievous…

Amazing Grace

Scripture “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28, ISV Quote Of all our miseries, sin is the greatest, and while you look upon it as such, Christ will look upon it as such also. ~Thomas Goodwin Before I picked up…