Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
~Psalm 90:12, NIV
Life is like money, you can spend it anyway you wish but you can spend it only once.
~Charles Swindoll
The increment we prefer using when it comes to measuring time is ‘days’. We never say, “have a great minute,” and seldom say, “have a great year.” The most common expression is “have a great day.” I was thinking about the song, “One Day At A Time.” It wouldn’t seem right to sing “One year at a time sweet Jesus,” would it? Now if we allow the LORD to teach us to number our days, to value each day and understand the brevity of life and how precious the time we have left really is; that would be a gain, would it not? All these years I have been reading Psalm 90 and have never noticed that little four letter word ‘gain’. What is there to gain if we prayerfully live each day to the fullest? Answer: We gain a heart of wisdom. Wow! Do you want a heart of wisdom; I do! My daddy had an 8th grade education–he quit in the 9th. He said he had to but my mother said different. She said he did not like school and wanted to quit. I made it past the ninth and even went to college and Seminary so I thought I was one up on him but I was wrong. My daddy learned from the master teacher, life itself and over the years he gained that heart of wisdom.
Now I sit and marvel at the things he told me. He was like a prophet. Many times, I have asks myself the question; how could he have known what was going to happen? I want that heart of wisdom. I want to be able to give my children and grandchildren good advice. I want to be able to point them in the right direction. I am not talking about worldly wisdom; I am talking about the kind that James describes…But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. Father give us such wisdom.
One of the things that I desperately need as I look to the new year is a “heart of wisdom.” I also want to make everyday count and to do so, I have to make every hour count and every minute. The brain nor the body is designed to go none stop 24 hours per day. We have to have rest and recreation or we will become unhealthy. At the same time, there is no virtue in wasting time. If the body is sick–we are unhealthy. If the soul is sick–we are unhappy. If the spirit is sick–we are unholy. To have perfect health in all three areas, we must practice the sabbath. Those who fail to honor the sabbath become unholy first, then unhappy but eventually unhealthy. If you are too busy to worship, rest or recreate with family…you are too busy.
ALL THE grandkids have safely arrived in the mountains PTL. I hope you have a great Friday. See you Monday LW. Thanks for reading the blog.