Praise Jesus!


Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens. 

~Psalm 148:13, NLT


I praise Jesus because though I deserved death and hell, He by grace gave me life and heaven.


Psalm 148 is another hallelujah Psalm that begins with the Hebrew work  halal which is used 13 times in 14 verses. This Psalm reminds us that everything in creation praises God; even the invisible heavenly realm praises God. The stars, the moon, the planets and all of nature praises God. Even the weather praises God. The storm affirm His awesome power, the sun and rain speak of his faithfulness. Everything is creation either praises God or is moving in that direction. It is true that man is a rebel and millions refuse to bow the knee. They do not acknowledge God but that will change. Note the last two verses of the Psalm…

Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens. And he has raised up for his people a Horn, the praise of all his faithful servants, of Israel, the people close to his heart.
The Horn was a symbol for power; it is synonymous with king or ruler. The Horn that God raised up was Jesus. There is only one person who can fulfill the messianic expectations of the Old Testament and that is Jesus. By the time this Psalm was written, David’s dynasty was in shambles with no hope of a resurrection. But God’s plan from eternity pass was not one of David’s descendants in the flesh but the Messiah who would be born from David’s line. Jesus was the Son of God and the Son of David. Jesus resurrected the hope of Israel, He kept their dreams alive. He is the centerpiece not only for Judaism but for all of creation.
  • Jesus is God in flesh [John 1:14]
  • Jesus is the Creator of all things [Col. 116-17]
  • Jesus is the commander in Chief of the vast angelic host [Josh. 5:14]
  • Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings [Mal. 4:2, Luke 1:78]
  • Jesus is LORD of nature [Matt. 8:23-27]
  • Jesus is preeminent in all things [Col. 1:18]

You and I were created by HIM and for HIM. Our ultimate destiny is to give Him praise. Of course, we don’t have to wait, we can praise HIM now. Can you imagine what would happen in a worship service if we all gave Jesus our sincere praise. There is a man in our Bible Study group who loves to praise Jesus. I hate to miss our class simply because I don’t want to miss his offering of praise which is uplifting to me. It edifies me to hear Jesus praised.

Betty Moyers was promoted last night. She is an old friend from Sardis Springs. She fed me many Sunday lunches. She made the best butter beans. She came from a family of 13 children and about 10 of them are still living.

Will June and I got to attend our favorite CHRISTMAS PARTY last night: The E-Tech Christmas Party. My goal this year was to make it to the Christmas party. We came away from there with a trunk load of stuff. They play bingo and June loves it. She goes for the bingo, I go for the food. We eat at Logan’s and Eve always serves us. I ate enough to last me two days.

Yesterday was Mrs. Mary Jewel Roberts 79th birthday or maybe that is 97. I carried her a birthday cake and had a short visit with her. She gets around better than I do. She was at our Senior Adult Breakfast last Friday and at LCBS and worship Sunday morning. She always looks sharp.

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