Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.
~Psalm 126:5-6, NLT
Carol and Dewayne gave me a book last Christmas. It is a Messianic Jewish devotional. Most of the writers, twenty-two in all, I had never heard of but one I was familiar with and that is Jonathan Cahn. Cahn has a unique perspective, at least to we Gentiles. He is very familiar with all the Jewish feast days and festivals and their relationship to Jesus and to us. There are three high and holy days on the Jewish calendar, Yom Teru’ah {Feast of Trumpets} which is a call for people to stop what they are doing and assemble for worship or get ready to meet the LORD. Then there is Yom Kippur {day of Atonement} which calls people to repent. The last of the three is Sukkot {Feast of Tabernacles} which is a festive time, a time of celebration and rejoicing. All three major festivals can be summed up in one word: Feast of Trumpets–STOP, Day of Atonement–REPENT, and Feast of Tabernacles–REJOICE. Put them together and you have a message from the LORD: stop, repent and rejoice.
You will never repent if you refuse to stop. The blast of the shofar means STOP! Whatever you are doing, stop! The Shofar was used in Israel as a call to worship, a call to assemble, call to battle and a call to listen. We live is a busy fast paced society. If you don’t believe me, get on the highway. Most folks are in a hurry. We are so busy and preoccupied that we don’t hear the shofar and we never stop. You will never know true joy until you repent. If we refuse to stop, we will never repent, and without repentance, you cannot have what God offers. He will never pour out his spiritual blessing on the unrepentant.
Another cool morning PTL. This week has gone by just like the others–fast. I can’t believe it is Thursday. They had a huge REVIVAL SERVICE on the Auburn Campus on Tuesday night. Three of Auburn head coaches supporting the meeting. They had several professions of faith and a baptismal service in the pond. Hugh Freeze took part in the baptism. Pearl was also there and one other coach that I am not familiar with. Pray that it spread to other campuses. The secular media has reported it but no fire storm yet. It’s coming. I am sure the devil is not pleased. As for me, I praise God for a victory. Amen!
Got a text from Melanie Mitchelle yesterday, her treatments are going good. I also visited with John and Joye Tucker yesterday. They are doing well. Bro. John is practically blind but they are still going.
We had another great crowd at the Point last night, more adults than the week before and our youth was back to normal. I’d say we had close to 80, PTL. Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.