The Gospel


Then Job replied to the LORD: I know that you can do anything and no plan of Yours can be thwarted.

~Job 42:1 (CSB)


God can use whomever He pleases, whenever He pleases, however He pleases to do whatever He pleases.


God is Sovereign, He has the power to enact His will. He can fulfill His own word: what He says, He can do. Most of you will not remember a little bald-headed Russian named Nikita Khrushchev. While making a speech to the Western ambassadors, he looked straight at his audience and said, “My vas pokhoronim!” Translated: “We will bury you.” His threat sent shock waves across America but the little Russian could not make good on his promise. Too bad the little tyrant did not live long enough to meet Ronald Reagan. Men make promises they cannot keep but God keeps every promise. A huge part of the GOSPEL message is the fact that no one in the universe, not even Satan and his demonic army [which includes the democrats, the wealthy elitist Jews in the mold of Ciaphas, and the media] can stop God from accomplishing His plans. God’s kingdom cannot be thwarted. His kingdom will come and His will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously; we act as if the world’s future depended on us. Jeremiah the great prophet was burdened with the weight of the world on his shoulders; God had to convince him that the world was not his responsibility. Our responsibility is to be obedient. The world is God’s responsibility. I fought depression for years because I was assuming responsibility for things not in my control. I read a little book by Gene Mims called KINGDOM PRINCIPLES and God used this tiny book to change my way of thinking. I was spending the night at Teddy and Lisa’s and I was reading in the front corner bedroom on the old pastorium, when suddenly the lights came on and the truth set me free from my depression and anxiety. God spoke to me clearly: MY KINGDOM IS GLOBAL AND NOTHING CAN STOP MY KINGDOM FROM COMING. I was too focused on my small world and I was not celebrating what God was doing elsewhere. This liberating truth changed my life.

The truth of the blog is illustrated in Jonah’s life: God said, “Get up and go to Nineveh that wicked city,” and Jonah said “No, I will not go.” For the sake of insurance, Jonah took a cruise to Gibraltar [Tarshish in the ancient world]. Gibraltar is as far west as the ancient mariners would sail. It is located on the Southern tip of Spain. The strait of Gibraltar leads from the Mediterranean sea into the Atlantic. Jonah’s logic was: I will make it impossible for God to send me to Nineveh, then we will see who warns those blood thirsty savages about God’s judgment. But God has the power and the resources to enact His will so He hurls a storm in Jonah’s direction and stops the cruise. Jonah knows that God is in the storm and that he came on his account but in his rebellion, he says to himself, “I will commit suicide and then we’ll see who warns Nineveh,” so Jonah has the sailors throw him overboard. By this time God must be laughing, He sends a fish out to pick Jonah up and carry him back to the coast of Israel. Jonah’s is getting nowhere while God’s will is being done.

This has nothing to do with today’s blog but why did God use Jonah in the first place. God knew Jonah hated Gentiles and especially Assyrians. Why would God use an A-hole like Jonah? Probably, to illustrate GRACE but it could have been the fact that Jonah knew no fear. He wasn’t afraid of anything even death. Matter of fact, he had a death wish. How many preachers in America would go to Bagdad and tell the Muslims, “You folks are going to hell if they didn’t repent.” Jonah was never afraid to go–He simply didn’t want to go because he did not want the Assyrians to be warned because he was afraid they would repent. I guess you could say, the only thing he feared is what happened, a revival and God showing mercy to Nineveh. I wish the only thing I feared was REVIVAL.

  • Well folks, I’ve been on the road so much that I took the day off yesterday but LORD willing, I am headed to Athens as soon as I post the blog and I will, LORD willing , get a computer for the house. Maybe we will be back on track by Friday.
  • A big part of sports is pulling against the teams you don’t like. June stayed up and watched the Cubs/Rockies game because she despises the Cubs. She believes they are the Yankees of the National League and I am inclined to agree. If you saw the game, you know what I mean. The Cubs got all the calls. I went to bed in the 10th inning.
  • I’m an Indians fan but I don’t think they will go very far. The team I fear most is the Media darlings, the Yankee’s {Tiger Woods of baseball}. Houston and Boston are both very good. I think Cleveland will go down in the first round.
  • Got to go: I have nursing home rounds to make today. Have a great day and thanks you for reading the blog.

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