Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves.
~Luke 22:27, NLT
You may not be able to help everyone but you can help someone.
~Ronald Reagan
Reading through Luke 22 this morning and Jesus words in verse 27 leaped from the pages into my heart. It is not hard to figure out the pecking order at social functions. We know who the servants are, they are the ones who are busy serving. The VIP’s are seated at the places of honor at the head table. We know that the ones sitting and being served are greater than the ones serving them. This is the thinking of the world and it appears logical to us. The problem is: Jesus doesn’t think the way we do. Jesus said, “I am among you to serve.” Jesus didn’t come to be served, He came to serve.
When I came to DBC in 1979, there had been a few minor problems with the previous pastor. One of the complaints was about the pastor mowing the lawn at the pastorium. John Tanner was their spokesman and he told me straight up: “We got you an old mower, it runs good and we expect you to mow your grass.” I looked at him with some disdain I suppose and said, “John, before it’s over, I’ll be mowing your grass.” I have to tell the truth, I never cut John’s yard but if he had gotten down and unable to mow his yard, I would have. I did not come to Danville so folks here could serve me, I came here to serve. One of my greatest joys is to be of service to others. I’d rather help than to need help.

Mandy Bowling I can’t say enough about the BLOCK PARTY. We have never had one go so smoothly. From day one everything has fell into place. I don’t brag on her much because I don’t want to create problems for her but Mandy Bowling is as good at administrating VBS and BLOCK PARTIES as anyone in the country and you are very fortunate to have her. DBC has good young capable leaders. It wasn’t just Mandy, everyone did a super job. Seth Green was here every day and so was Troy McAbee. We had several new faces on our crew this year and it was wonderful. Jesse and Ginger loved the BLOCK PARTY. Ginger did not stop working from the start. I tried to get her to rest and she wouldn’t. We have some great new families that have been a shot in the arm. We had one POF. Erik Brenner made a decision at the Block Party. I hope to visit with Erik tonight. Kenny Evans was amazed. He couldn’t stop talking about it. He brought a powerful message Sunday morning. Thank you church for the good offering: it was over $3,000 and I was very please with your generosity.
- Remember, Junior Hill will be with us Sunday morning at 10:15: invite your neighbors.
- AWANA kickoff and pool party Saturday night at Hartselle City Pool from 8:00-10:00
- Guatemala Team report Sunday night at 6:15.
Jesus has Taken Her Home
August 15, 2016

The Lord saw fit to take Kailey this morning. We kept waiting for good news and it never came. The death of adults I handle fairly well I think but children are a different matter. She was a very sweet girl and she loved little children more than any young person I have ever known. You cannot find a picture of Kailey alone, she is always with kids. I got this one off of my sisters Facebook page. She was beautiful. Even laying there in the bed on life support, she looked like an angel taking a nap. I got to spend a very brief 20 minutes with her yesterday and I cherish every moment.