The Ideal Man


Such a man will not be overthrown by evil circumstances. God’s constant care of him will make a deep impression on all who see it.

~Psalm 112:6, TLB


You don’t have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something.

~Zig Ziggler

In reading and re-reading Psalm 112 yesterday, the picture of an ideal man came into focus. He is the kind of man I admire and aspire to be. His characteristics are listed: [1] He delights in the word of God. [2] His children are honored, successful and upright. [3] He does good deeds for others that will not be soon forgotten. [4] He doesn’t allow evil {darkness} to overtake him. [5] He is kind and merciful. [6] He is fair in his business dealings. [7] He is secure in God’s control and care: he does not worry or dread bad news. [8] He gives generously. [9] He has influence and honor. [10] His Godly life will infuriate those who love evil. Wow! What a list!

We must not give in to failure. I love the Psalms and especially those written by David; he is so honest about his feelings. In Psalm 109 David confessed…I am slipping down the hill to death; I am shaken off from life as easily as a man brushes a grasshopper from his arm. My knees are weak from fasting, and I am skin and bones. I am a symbol of failure to all mankind; when they see me they shake their heads. Can you believe this? David thinking of himself as a failure. Many years ago I was tempted to write a book on failure. It was the only area where I felt like I had any expertise. I had just enough sense to know that no one in the right mind would want to read about my failures; no one likes a whiner.

Failure is not final. Don’t throw in the towel and don’t lower the standard. Shoot for the stars. Meditate on Psalm 112 and put some effort into becoming the ideal man. You can’t do this a part from grace but with God’s help, you can improve. This ideal standard is recorded for a reason. Let me give you one example: you can become a GENEROUS person. It is not that hard. Simply practice giving. I know of at least three men who made it a goal [years ago] to be generous. God has blessed all three and they have given away thousands of dollars. All three admired Tom Bennich and were influenced by his giving habits.

Personally, I am no where close to this ideal man but by the grace of God, I will improve. I need to and I want to improve and God’s grace will enable me.

God is good and I thank Him for a new day. Big Mama is doing a countdown on school starting: I’m not! The kids and teachers have my sympathy. Unfortunately, the upper echelon of education is liberal and they make idiotic decisions. Their decisions border on insanity. It is going to be a train wreck and I feel for the Teachers and the Students. The problem is not the teachers or the students: it is these bureaucrats who sit in their ivory towers with nothing to do other than to make hair brain decision that make it hard on Teachers and Principles. Do you reckon they might ought to talk to some principles before they make these asinine decisions? Some of these stooges have never been in a class room or if so it has been years ago. They are completely out of touch with reality. If we don’t get the toilet flushed in DC and Montgomery, public education is going down the tubes. Liberals can’t do anything right! Can I get an amen Bro. Mark?

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