The Mystery of Matrimony


As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. 

~Ephesians 5:31-32, NLT


Marriage is a part of our stewardship training for the life to come. It is a test to see if we can be faithful, loyal and true.


God has created three institution and all for the betterment of mankind. The three institutions are: [1] The Home [2] Government [3] and the Church. In all three there is structure, order and authority. Without these three institutions, life would not be livable. Try to imagine life without the family, law and order or the fellowship of a good church. Communism’s goal is to destroy one and three–the family and the church and make government everything but it doesn’t work. God would not have created these great institution had we not needed them. I’m not saying that we could not live for a time without them but such a life would be chaotic and meaningless. In each institution there is order and authority. The husband is the head of the home as Christ is head of the church. Jesus is the Chief Shepherd and the pastor is the under shepherd. Anyone who rebelled against these God ordained authorities will suffer misery. If you want to be unhappy, be my guest. All you have to do is give in to your selfish nature and do as you please. I have never known a happy person who defies God ordained authority. Rebels live a miserable life.

Perhaps you are thinking; “My husband is a jerk and I am not about to submit to him.” All husbands are jerks in one way or another. Sarah submitted to Abraham and you are probably thinking, “yeah, he was a saint: my husband is no saint.” Think about Sarah for a moment: twice her husband lies about her being his wife to protect his own carcass. He packs and moves every few months. He never stays in anyone place for long. On top of that he comes in one day and says to Sarah, “God wants our son. I am going to sacrifice him as a burnt offering tomorrow.” Submission is not easy for anyone but it is the right thing to do. The Greek word for submission implies voluntary action. It does not mean we are forced to submit but that we choose to submit, just as Jesus did when He was on earth.

  • The LORD answered some prayers for me yesterday and I praise HIM. It is one of those weeks where you don’t know how you are going to make the ends meet but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to thank Joe for taking care of one of my BLOCK PARTY responsibilities. It is great to have good friends.
  • Old Whitey-Hugh-Gene bit the dust on Monday while we were pulling up shrubs. He is in Intensive Care at Burchells. I don’t know if he will pull through or not. I hate to ask you to pray for a tractor but I do hope it is something simple that can be fixed without a lot of money.
  • From looking at the Radar, I thought the East side of the county got a good rain but they didn’t get much either.
  • I am speaking to SENIOR ADULTS at Bellevue Baptist tonight, then one this side of Memphis, about 200 miles this side of Memphis.

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