The Process


It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.

~Psalm 119:71, NASB


“Healing is a matter of time.”


Hippocrates was a Greek physician and considered by many to be the Father of Medicine. He lived some 400 years before Christ and was a contemporary with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. One of his aphorisms was “Healing is a matter of time.” The Greeks had two words for healing–iaomai which is instantaneous healing and therapeuō, from which we get the word therapy, which is healing over a period of time. Of course, we live in America, and we expect everything in an instant, but it doesn’t work that way. I sure that David wanted God to give him immediate relief from Saul’s persecution, but God allowed it to go on for more than a decade. David didn’t understand what was going on at the time but looking back, he confessed, “It was good that I was afflicted.” David realized the benefits of suffering. The hardships that David experience drove the roots of his faith deeper. It increased his appetite for God’s word. It taught him how to pray. He learned many life lessons during those days of affliction. It caused him to have a humble and teachable spirit.

The Israelites were saved miraculously by the awesome power of God at the Red Sea. The Israelites didn’t do anything but obey and watch–God did the work. On this side of the Red Sea, they had a worship and praise service. They were singing and dancing and giving God glory. But the very next day that felt the heat of the dessert sun and the next day they became thirsty. On the third day when they reached the first watering hole, the water was bitter, and they began complaining: they went from singing to sighing in three days. They went from praising God for His wonderful salvation to complaining about the leader and their situation. Every day is not a Red Sea {miracle} day. Matter of fact, most days are not Red Sea days. They are hot, dry and hard. Why did God lead His children into a wilderness of difficulty? To teach them to live by faith. To teach them patience and to strengthen their endurance. Healing and salvation will come, but it is a matter of time. You will get victory the moment you believe this to be absolutely true.


Day four of the 22 heat wave and still no end in sight. We go to Huntsville this am for June’s bone density shot but hopefully we will get home by lunch. The truck has better air, but it uses more gas. In these days, you pick your poison.

Hope you have a good day and a great weekend. Stay out of the sun if possible; especially if you are old like me. I got too much a few weeks ago and now I have to be careful.

Thanks for reading the blog.

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