Unrequited Love


For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you.

`2 Corinthians 2:4, NIV


Unrequited love kills more people annually that tuberculosis.

~Source Unknown

In my earlier days, when I got discouraged, I turned to 2 Corinthians 11 and read about Paul’s hurt and disappointment in his relationship with the church at Corinth. Paul loved this church dearly, but they were not crazy about Paul. They loved Apollos and Peter. Apollos was a gifted orator, a word smith, a brilliant homiletician, but he lacked depth. Peter was an icon in most of the churches because of his spending time with LORD and being a eye witness to many of His miracles. Although Paul founded the church and poured his heart and soul into the work, the Corinthians did not appreciate him. The passage in 2 Corinthians 11 is Paul licking his wounds. Unrequited love hurts deeply. We could asks Hosea the prophet: he loved his wayward wife much more than she loved him, if she loved him at all. Apollos was a preacher but Paul had the heart of a pastor. A pastor is like a shepherd who loves his sheep. I consider it a grace gift. We actually love people who do not care for us at all. We minister to the needs of folks who would not give us the time of day.

Many years ago it was brought to my attention that a group of people were unhappy with me and they wanted my resignation. I have to confess first of all, that had it not been for a couple of deacons, I would have caved immediately. I was crushed by the news of their discontent and what hurt most of all was that I thought they were my friends. I also had a dialogue with a third deacon who claimed to be neutral. His goal was to avoid the Frey and the fallout. He was communicating with both sides. I told him, “At least they can’t accuse me of not loving them.” I was sure he would have to agree to this statement: once again I was wrong. He said, “O that is exactly what they are accusing you of.” His answer broke my heart but I tried not to let it show. It is human nature; when we give love, we expect love in return. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work this way. Very few of us will make it through this life without feeling the pain of unrequited love. If it happens to you just remember you are in good company: it happened to Moses, Hosea, Paul and Jesus to mention a few.

Let me end with some good news: thank God for His marvelous grace. For everyone that refuses to love and appreciate you, God will raise one or more who will love you no matter what. It is the unconditional love of these dear soul that keeps me going. It has always amazed me: those I do the most for, love me the least and those I do nothing for are the ones who show me grace.


PTL, no doctors appointments, no grands to babysit, no appointments, no agenda so hopefully I will get to spend the day reading and studying. I do need to visit Vellene who is not doing well at all. She has been going down for months and she has gotten very weak. A little cooler today but not bad. I love this weather.

A shout out to Bro. Teddy Turrentine in Grand Bay and Rex Looney in Athens. These two read the blog daily and it is another grace thing. The fact that they read it encourages me a lot because I have thought about quitting more than once. I would write it if I had only one reader but I am thrilled to have fifty or so. I have not checked lately: don’t know how many read it.

TGIF. I hope you have a great day and weekend. See you Monday.

1 thought on “Unrequited Love

  1. I read your blog everyday and pray for you as well as Joe David everyday so please just repost old ones if you don’t have the time, Thank you brother Jack you have been so great for mom.

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