‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Holy Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will have dreams.
~Acts 2:17, NIrV
There is a thin line that separates laughter from pain, comedy from tragedy, and humor from hurt.
~Erma Bombeck
Abraham had a vision, so did Samuel, Job, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zachariah, Ananias, Paul, Peter, John and Daniel had a dozen. I had my first vision yesterday when I sat in Doc Holladay’s dental chair. She reclined me to the point I was laying flat and as I looked up, I had a vision. I saw a man and a woman. Their images were as clear as day. The man was dancing and acting silly, the women was just shaking her head as if to show disgust for the man’s immaturity. I said, “Doc, I’m have a vision, I see people as clear as day.” Ashley said, “You are not having a vision. That is a TV and your are watching HGTV.” Who ever heard of a TV on the ceiling? Just check out FDM {Family Dental Ministry} or maybe it is Hartselle Family Dentistry {HFD} and you can see for yourselves, they have TV’s on the ceilings.
I grew up in the 50’s and our dentist, Dr. Donavant was a POW in WWII. He was a war hero and a good man but he hurt you once you sat in his chair. He had a grinder that would send vibrations through your entire body and he would tell you over and over, “Just one more minute.” He could have been a football coach. Our high school coach would tell us: “Boys, get out there an hustle and we’ll be back in here taking showers in 2 hours.” Either we didn’t hustle or he was liar. I know Dr. Donavant meant well but I learned to discount his promises. I’ve been to a lot of Dentist over the years but Doc Holladay is as smooth as they come. She is slicker than goose grease, slicker than a pealed onion. I didn’t even feel the numbing shot. I didn’t feel anything. I got to watching that idiot on HDTV and lost track of time. Losing track of time is not something you do as a dentist office, not normally. Doc Holladay is exceptional.
He who praises all praises none and you know that I am stingy with praise but this girl is good. If you dentist is causing you pain, you need to check out Dr. Ashley Holladay. She is the real deal.
Joe David, Ty and myself are going to Atlanta {Lord willing}. I have never seen the GEORGIA DOME and they are about to demolish it. I think the game today is the last one unless the Falcons have another. I have been a little worried about the game with the way the SEC has been playing but Georgia and Tennessee turned it around yesterday {hopefully}. Mavis Fitzgerald is not doing well. She has been going down rapidly the past couple of months. Joe David and I had prayer with her yesterday. She has not been responding in Mavis fashion but I actually thank she understood and knew who we were yesterday. She thanked us repeatedly for the prayer. She cannot swallow her medication and Joe doesn’t think she has long. I am inclined to agree with Joe. The Fitzgerald’s have been great friends over the years. I probably mess Hugh as much as anyone other than Joe. My kids think Joe hung the moon. Ryder’s go-cart broke CHRISTMAS EVE and Hannah said, “Call Joe.” I said, “I’m not calling Joe on Christmas Eve.” “He can fix it,” she said. I said, “I know he can fix it, but we are not calling him.”
So remember Joe and Mavis when you pray.