Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.
~Psalms 130:3-4, NLT
It may be possible to have awe and not worship but it is impossible to worship without awe.
God is holy and He does keep track of our sin. Fortunately for us, Christ took all our sin and shame upon Himself and on the cross He suffered our hell and death. As Paul said to the Colossians in chapter 2…He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. Praise God, our sinful deeds have been blotted out by the blood of Jesus. Understanding the above: there are two things needful for worship: [1] We must get a glimpse of the holiness of God and His hatred for sin–this should produce fear and awe. [2] We have to feel a sense of deep gratitude to God for sending His Son to be our Savior and of course, a deep love for Christ who died for our sins.
Most of what we label worship is a subtle form of narcissism. To counter narcissistic worship and the consumer mentality we have to be intentional. FIRST: We must desire transformation into the image of Christ. This means change and I am not talking small alterations but deep change. If you refuse to embrace change, there is little chance that you will worship. SEDOND: We have to be actively resistant to the world’s pressure to conform us to it’s image. Not only must there be radical change which God does gently and incrementally by grace, there must be our awareness that this change is going to be opposed by the world and the powers of darkness. THIRD: We have to be like Paul and have a deep desire to know HIM and partake in the fellowship of His suffering. This is where the rubber meets the road. Are you willing to bear shame for Christ sake? Are you willing to bear a cross, to suffer for His sake? Can you say honestly, Thy will be done? Are you willing to express your love for Christ by serving others? Can you give up self and live sacrificially?
There is little chance that we will experience transforming worship until we stand in awe and repent of sin. Choose any worship style, any music: it will not matter. A mute who fears God trumps an angel who does not. Don’t forget: Satan, a fallen angel is the father of narcissistic worship.
Its Friday again…December is streaking by just like I knew it would. The entire year is a blur to me. Danville Senior Adult Christmas brunch today. I do love Christmas and parties. Looking for to Sunday. LORD willing, we will be preaching some seasonal messages through the holidays. This Sunday, Immanuel, God with us. Have a great day and weekend. Remember to pray for your pastor and your neighbors.