We love each other because He loved us first.
~I John 4:19, NLT
Character is the ability to keep a commitment long after the excitement of the moment has passed.
~Cavett Roberts
JackĀ Canfield is a motivational speaker, lecturer and writer. In his seminars he begins by making a set of ground rules for participants; rules that they excitingly endorse. In the last day of the seminar, he has a reckoning. He asked his students, “How many of you have broken one or more rules this week?” His point is clear: it is easier to make a commitment than it is to keep one but people of integrity keep commitments. Below is a copy and paste job from a sermon by Rick Ezell. I thought you might enjoy it.
The book, “A Promise Kept”, is the story of Robertson McQuilkin, a former missionary and seminary president who gave up his post because his wife Muriel had Alzheimer’s disease. He dedicated himself full-time for as long as the Lord deemed necessary to take care of his wife. He wrote of traveling with his her:
Once our flight was delayed in Atlanta and we had to wait a couple of hours. Now that’s a challenge. Every few minutes we’d take a fast-paced walk down the terminal in earnest search of what? Muriel had always been a speed walker. I had to jog to keep up with her.
An attractive woman executive type sat across from us, working diligently on her computer. Once when we returned from an excursion she said something without looking up from her papers. Since no one else was nearby I assumed she had spoken to me, or at least mumbled in protest for our constant activity. “Pardon?” I asked. “Oh,” she said, “I was just asking myself, Will I ever find a man to love me like that?”
McQuilkin turned to the woman and said, “Oh yes, you can find a man like that. You can find a man like that, because I’ve found a man like that. The only reason I love my wife the way you see me loving her is because the man Jesus first loved me. The only resources I have to draw upon to love my wife the way I do are the resources he gives me. Mirrored in my relationship here with my wife you can see the faithful love of God for me.”
Hey I got a project completed yesterday: give me a star. Looking forward to Sunday night. Lord willing, I will be doing my second sermon out of Malachi. Don’t for the SENIOR ADULT OUTING on March 26. Sign up Sunday for TOP OF THE RIVER.
Chloe Bug had to miss her first T-ball practice: she has the stomach virus.