The pastors who lead the church well should be paid well. They should receive double honor for faithfully preaching and teaching the revelation of the Word of God.
~1 Timothy 5:17, TPT
The more vague and indefinite our preaching, the more comfortable the people sitting in the pew.
~Martyn Lloyd Jones {modified}
Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders in John 8:32, “If you embrace the Truth, it will release true freedom into your lives.” But, as we all know, they did not embrace the Truth {Jesus}. They had no desire to know the truth because the Truth was incriminating to them. You might say, they hated the Truth {Jesus}. I am rereading Martyn Lloyd Jones book SPIRITUAL DEPRESSION and I find it intriguing. For some strange reason, I started reading it in 2020 but laid it aside without finishing. Now, I am wondering why I laid it down. I agree whole hearted with Jones, people love it when preachers are vague. I learned many years ago that these same people hate modern translations. I have heard these King James only worshipers say that all these other translations or perversions. The fundamentalist went bezerk over the NIV and I promise you many will hate the TPT, just as they hate paraphrase editions. I am convinced that the reason is not the corruption of the text, it is because they love the vagueness of the KJV. In the KJV I Timothy 5:17 reads, Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.” What on earth does this mean? I never knew myself until I picked up a modern translation. Now you know why many deacons and church leaders don’t like modern translations: the word of God actually speaks clearly on paying your pastor. You do not muzzle the ox or mule that is plowing your corn; let him have a bit every know and then. He will keep chewing as he pulls.
I am like Paul in one regard and it the wrong one. I have a lot of pride. I have never talked to any church about salary or compensation. I have never asks for a raise. I may have hinted, I don’t remember, but I know I have not ask. The first two churches I served out of seminary could have paid me more, much more but they choose to keep me poor and trust that God would keep me humble. Neither one of them realized their mistake, but they have suffered because of their miserliness and pure lack of faith. The more you give, the more you get {Luke 6:38} but they don’t believe Jesus. They believe the opposite, “The more you keep, the more you have.” I can promise these folks do not like I Timothy 5:17 in modern translations. They prefer the vague; something that is not so clear. The reason for this is that they do not want to know the truth. I do. I have a hunger for truth and I will read any English Version I can get my hands on. If it is a perversion, I will pick up on it. I have not found a perversion yet.
Here is a simple rule that will help you. Interpret the word in the context of the verse, the verse in the context of the chapter, the chapter in the context of book, the book in the context of the entire Bible. This is why you need to read through the Bible ever so often. You cannot teach the Bible unless you have studied it entirely. Genesis is foundational.
Just got home from B’fast and the Bible. It was our third week and the crowd is still amazing. I would guess between 20-30. It is a breakfast designed for men before they go into the work place. We have a short devotion, then breakfast and fellowship. Warehouse Coffee, Main Street, Hartselle at 5:15 on Tuesdays.