

Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.

~Genesis 32:24, NRSV


To be left alone without God is hell; to be left alone with Him is a foretaste of heaven.

~Charles Cowman

I looked up the word “Seminary”: it is an institution that trains ministers. I attended Seminary in New Orleans 50 years ago and it was an eye opening experience. But there were no Seminaries four thousand years ago so how did God equip and train the saints of old? I had never given this question any thought until I read the February 27 entry in STREAMS IN THE DESSERT. God never used Moses in a significant way until he spent 40 years in the desert, alone with God. Jacob did not become a “Prince” until he spent an entire night alone with God. Gideon did not become a courageous leader until he spent time alone with God. David did not become a great king until he spends time alone with God. John did not write the Revelation until he spent time alone with God. Every believer needs to attend this seminary, TIME ALONE WITH GOD.

How is your TAWG {time alone with God}? I can almost promise you, with a few exceptions, those who read my blogs do spend time alone with God. As I thought about this privilege the other day; I made a list of the blessings of spending quality time alone with God. First of all, my time alone with God is my refuge, my safe place. Of course I still sin and I can be tempted but I find shelter from both when I am alone with Jesus. I do and say things that hurt other people and many times I do these things carelessly. I’m not malicious, I don’t think, but I am stupid and I say dumb stupid things that I later regret. Some of these stupid remarks hurt other people. When I am alone with Jesus, I know I cannot hurt anyone. Jesus is not a gossip and I can tell Him everything. He has very thick skin and I can be rawly honest with Him. I don’t feel this freedom around anyone else. The second thing is more of a hope than anything else but I hope and pray that my time alone with Him will make me more like Him. Jesus washes my feet daily and I am confident that He is in the process of cleaning me up. Acts 4:13 comes to mind… The members of the council {Sanhedrin} were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.

There is one other thing: when I am with Jesus alone, I do not have to perform or produce. I don’t have to do anything. I can talk to Him if I wish or I can sit quietly and wait for Him to speak to me. No deadlines, no rush, no impossible expectations to meet. Now you know why I look forward to my time alone with Jesus. There is no question: Jesus can speak above the din, the racket, the noise of this world but there is something special about finding a quiet place and being with Him one on one. One warning, it can become addictive.

What a privilege it is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and I do thank and praise my Heavenly Father for every opportunity. I do asks you to pray for my friends in Limestone County: they are meeting this morning to make arrangements for Jimmy.

I do hope you have a great week and thank you for reading the blog.

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