Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
~Isaiah 35:6. NIV
Jesus is the ultimate ‘Game Changer’.
Jesus attended the Jewish festival of booths and on the last and most important day of festival, Jesus stood and cried out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the scriptures said, From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.” [Isa. 44:3, 55:1, 58:11] I was reading Isaiah 35 a couple of days ago in the NIrV and I came across this uplifting passage about the glory and the beauty of Christ. In essence, Isaiah said, “The Messiah {Christ} is going to change everything. He is going to be like a stream in the desert or rain on a barren and dry land.”
What makes a desert? The absence of water. Rain can transform a desert into a garden. The reason a desert has no trees, grass, plants or vegetation is the absence of water. When you put water in the mix, everything changes. Jesus is water, living water. He doesn’t just give life, He gives abundant life. A life with Jesus is not dry, empty, boring or mundane. Just look at the things Isaiah mentions in Chapter 35: Everyone will see the glory of the Lord. They will see the beauty of our God.
- He will strengthen the hands of those who are weak. Help those whose knees give way.
- He will encourage the faint hearted [those whose hearts are afraid] “Be strong. Do not fear. I am coming to save you.”
- He will opens the eyes of those who are blind.
- He will unplug the ears of those who can’t hear.
- He will make the cripple leap like a deer.
- He will enables the mute to speak and shout for joy.
- He will make streams to flow in the desert.
- He will make burning sand become a pool of water.
- He will put a bubbling spring in thirsty ground.
Who can do all these things? Jesus and Jesus alone. Matthew Henry said, “There is more Jesus in Isaiah than anyone would imagine finding in the Old Testament.”
With Wade Morris
- I got something done yesterday that I have been dreading for weeks. I had to crawl up into the attic to run the wire from my new office to the switch box. I am not good at crawling; my crawling days are over. Plus, I am so fat that when I get in a bent position, I can’t breath. I came out of the attic panting for air; I couldn’t get enough. Big Mama said, “No more crawling in the attic for you.” I intended to have the power on by last night but my switch box is missing a couple of parts. John Harold is my inspector and he found the problem right a way.
- We need to continue to pray for Bill and Cassie Harrison. We don’t know when the surgery will be but I would assume ASAP. George Moore was discharged. I thought I was going to have to call the FBI to find him, by the time I did, he was home and I was in Huntsville.
- SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Deacon’s meeting @ 8:15, Breakfast @ 9:00, LIFE CHANGING BIBLE STUDY @ 9:15, CELEBRATE JESUS in Worship @ 10:15, AWANA and Visitation @ 5:30, Evening Worship @ 6:15.
- We are still praying for rain. I watch the weather channel every morning but there is no rain in sight. Memphis has gotten two rains in the past week but they go North. The Northwest is getting a huge rain today, maybe it will come this way.
- One of Hope’s friends ‘Amanda‘ ODed last night. She is still alive but in ICU in Bessemer. She took all of her antidepressant med [entire bottle]. Depressed because she can’t get her children back. Pray for Amanda, she is a sweet girl.
- Today is the 15th which means it has been two months since Kaley’s departure: pray for the fam in Limestone.
- Today we visit Russia, St. Petersburg primarily…I think they must be proud of St. Petersburg. Could not locate any of other sites.