We have a high priest who can feel it when we are weak and hurting. We have a high priest who has been tempted in every way, just as we are. But He did not sin.
~Hebrews 4:15, NIrV
“No man knows how bad he is until he has tried very hard to be good.”
~C. S. Lewis
If you think that good people are not tempted to do evil things, think again: Jesus was tempted to do evil. The good news is that He didn’t yield to the temptation. The strength of an army is put to the test in combat, not in training exercises. The power of the current is realized when we swim upstream not when we drift or float down stream. The person who yields to the first temptation has no idea how powerful that temptation will become if resisted. Nothing reveals our depravity like temptation. If you think the flesh is weak, try fasting or go on a diet. You will never know the power of your fleshly nature until you deny it something that it craves.
So what is the point? First of all, don’t be too critical of those who have yielded to temptation. Paul said in Galatians 6, “Brothers and sisters, what if someone is caught in a sin? Then you who are guided by the Spirit should correct that person. Do it in a gentle way. But be careful. You could be tempted too.” Don’t gloat about not being tempted, this could mean that you are morally inferior. Satan attacks those who pose a threat to him. Last of all, temptation is a refiners fire. The intensity of the heat brings the impurities to the top. Like refining gold, the scum comes to the top and once it does, it can be removed. When this process happens, you bend the knee and thank God for His grace.
This Day In 2000
Kenneth Narrell had surgery. I did not make a note of the type. Kenneth was more than a deacon or church member, he was a dear friend.
This blog came from my notes. In the process of moving, I am trying to discard some things. I have a lot of note books. Perhaps not hundreds but close. I did not have this one dated but I know it was 20 years ago or more. I talked to Joe David last night and we are going to scratch the Winter Church idea for 2017, maybe next year. He wanted more of a response. Our central kicked on last night, first time in 18 days. I think it is set on 65*. I got a phone call yesterday from an old high school class mate by the name of Tim Clark: it made my day.