The Bridegroom Comes


 No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven.

~John 3:13, NLT


Every religion is man’s attempt to reach God in heaven and it cannot be done.


I am reading Jonathan Cohn’s BOOK OF MYSTERIES and I am learning about Jewish traditions that I have never heard before. Some of the Orthodox Jews still do marriages like Isaac and Rebekah, only the Groom rides the camel, not the bride. In the marriage of Isaac, Eliezer of Damascus {Abraham’s exalted slave}, went to Syria and brought back Rebekah to Issac but the tradition is for the Groom to travel to the home of the bride. If I understand correctly, this traditions is still practiced today. The groom gets a camel and rides to the home of the bride. It is always the groom that travels and never the bride. This is a beautiful picture of our gracious salvation. We are the bride and we could never to the Groom in heaven. Even if we had a transport, we would be condemned the moment we tried to enter heaven due to our sinful and unholy condition. Simply stated, we cannot go to God or to heaven to get salvation: it is not possible. Think of all the proud and self-righteous people who are trying their best to get into heaven without knowing Jesus intimately as their Groom.

When we couldn’t possibly go to Him, He came to us! Hallelujah, what a Savior. Squire Parsons wrote a song that says it so well and I will allow this song to finish this blog…it will only take a couple of minutes…watch this video…you will not be sorry…


Another great LORD’S Day and PTL, we are back into our normal routine. I had the privilege of sharing the word three times yesterday. It is too early to celebrate but Job 42:12 may become my life verse. I do want you to pray for my good friend Terry Cowart. Terry has been diagnosed with cancer and he begins chemo tomorrow. I visited with Terry Saturday and he shared a wonderfully testimony that blessed my heart. He said, “I am going to fight it brother Jack with everything I have: If God heals me, He will get the glory and if he doesn’t, I will go be with Jesus.” WOW! Pray for Terry and Becky. They are salt of the earth people.

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