True Science


God sits above the circle of the earth.

~Isaiah 40:22, NLT


Christianity is the mother of true science.

~Alfred North Whitehead {1861-1967}

I grew up believing that the world [at least the most part] at the time of Christopher Columbus, believed that the earth was flat. I don’t think that was the science of the day but I am sure some thought the earth was flat just like some don’t believe that we did not go to the moon. Seven hundreds years before Christ, Isaiah said, “God sits above the circle of the earth.” This is a revelation in more ways than one. Humanism puts man at the center and there is nothing outside of man that is greater than himself. There is no infinite being that transcends creation. There is no divine intervention from above. Man is the head, the center and ultimately, he will solve all of mankind’s problems.

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Isaiah is contradicting this view. He says that God is above and beyond the circle. He is also in the circle. Aristotle view of the cosmos was geocentric. The earth was the center and everything revolved around the earth, even the sun and all the planets. Thomas Aquinas {1225-1274} tried to synchronize Aristotles Philosophy with scripture and the church. Unfortunately, Aristotle’s philosophy regarding the cosmos became the doctrine of the church and carried the same weight as inspired scripture. Galileo {1564-1642} is known as the father of modern science and he and his predecessor Copernicus disagreed with Aristotle. Galileo said the earth is not the center, the sun is the center and the earth rotates on an axis and orbits the sun. The Catholic Church had him arrested and tried for heresy. BUT,  in spite of what modern education teaches, Galileo did not have a problem with scripture and what he discovered did not contradict scripture. His disagreement was with Aristole’s view that had become a part of church doctrine. The only thing that saved his life was he recanted publicly, but he continued to write in private. Unfortunately, they only spared his life and they never released him from prison.

Fast forward to the present. The only true science of our day is practiced in secret. Political correctness has incarcerated true science or the Galileo types. You hear the libs talk about science all the time. They claim to be lead by science and they also claim that Albert Einstein was of like mind. It is a lie. They even attempted to reconcile Einstein’s theory of relativity to their relative value system. Einstein wanted nothing to do with these yokels. On April 4, 1964, he was quoted by the London Observer, “I cannot believe that God plays dice with the cosmos.” In other words he rejected the theory of evolution, that sometime came from nothing, and everything is random or happened by chance. Galileo was followed by other great scientist like Francis Bacon, Issac Newton and Michael Faraday: all these men were Christians and all believers of the Bible.

The pseudo scientist of today are just that–they are fakes and frauds. The same thing is going on in science that is going on in the media. Francis Schaeffer says that science today reveals itself in two ways: [1] Technological science {computers, I-Phones, solar generators, etc.} and [2] Sociological science. Understand that this second group, the sociological scientist begin with a premise or intended result. Take global warming for instance. They began with a conclusion in mind and they make the data fit their model. This is not true science. This is why evolution is still being taught although it can be debunked by an intelligent sixth grader. We all know that nothing generates nothing. These morons want to teach that the universe came from nothing. The more intelligent ones probably know that it is a lie but it fits their social agenda. Understand, their social agenda comes first; then they tailor everything to fit their agenda…the news…education…science…political science. What we liberal or democrat is in fact communist. These Marxist  are very successful in creating chaos, racial tension and political unrest. They have successfully engineered revolutions in many counties, Russia most notably but they have never gained power a part from either propaganda or out right blood shed and they always become repressive once they gain power. There is no exception. What you may not know is that socialism is a necessary step toward communism. Russia had two parties inciting the revolution: the Bolsheviks {Lenis followers} and the Social Democratic Labor Party. The Bolsheviks made up only 25% of these two parties that took part in the revolution but once Lenin was in power, they murdered or exiled all but the Bolsheviks and that ended free elections in Russia.

The marxist who are engineering the present revolution are elitist but they need dupes {labor unions, people on government assistance, ignorant people} to pull off the revolution. These morons that march with Black Lives Matter and other communist support groups don’t realize what they are doing. The fools actually believe that when this group gets complete control that they will share in the spoils. It is a pipe dream. In the end, they will be treated the same as us, like a peasant or a peon.


It sprinkled yesterday morning and I was discouraged about the rain but it came last night. I don’t know but I believe we got more than an inch. It rained hard for 30 minutes. Thank YOU Jesus. Lord willing, we will be leading two REVIVAL services this Sunday: Grace Point at 10:15 am and Danville at 6:00 pm. Doug will be working with me in both services. I need you to pray. Pray that the Holy Spirit will shake us up and that Jesus will be glorified.

We got our TRUNK-A-TREAT ironed out last night: we start at 4:00-5:30 with a church wide fellowship at 5:30. Pat Smith is cooking jambalaya. Even Big Mama likes it! It is delicious. We want have the largest crowd at the POINT but we will have the best food.

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