Clean House

Scripture So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. ~I Peter 2:1, MSG Quote They say that house work will not kill you; I say, why take that chance? ~Phyllis Diller I was walking through the kitchen a few days back and June was sweeping. She had amassed…

You Are Being Followed

Scripture Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life. ~Psalm 23:6, NASB Quote God never ceases to be good; it is man who ceases to be thankful for His goodness. ~Ya’akov I’ve heard eight new songs at DBC the last two weeks. I want to sing along but I can’t.…


Scripture Salute Apelles the approved in Christ. ~Romans 16:10, ASV Quote Excellence is not being the best, it is doing your best. ~Image Quotes Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Who was Apelles? What did he do? Little if anything is known about this man. His name means “called,” but what was his calling? Some think…


Scripture “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:33, NASB Quote In our youth we are clever and think we can change the world. In our latter days we become concerned with changing ourselves. ~Ya’akov The front runners in BLM when it comes to the protest, riots,…

The Message

Scripture Don’t be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends. Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards. And none of us is perfectly qualified. We get it wrong nearly every time we open our mouths.  ~James 3:1-3, MSG Quote “Every time the reverent heart reads the Bible, its…

Do Black Lives Matter?

Scripture His loved ones are very precious to Him, and He does not lightly let them die. ~Psalm 116:15, TLB Quote Christ died for YOU just as if YOU were the only person in the world. ~C.S. Lewis Many things, actually most, are not what they seem. Black lives matter is not about black lives.…

Maintaining Friendships

Scripture There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. ~Proverbs 18:24, NLT Quote “To have friends, you must be one.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Keller has eight habits to maintain good friendships but I think two are one in the same so I will share seven. [1] Don’t…


Scripture They {Pharisees} don’t eat anything from the market until they immerse their hands in water. This is but one of many traditions they have clung to—such as their ceremonial washing of cups, pitchers, and kettles. ~Mark 7:4, NLT Quote Tradition is the illusion of permanence. ~Woody Allen I love Jewish history and music. This…

Demonic Worship

Scripture It is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.  ~Hebrews 10:4, NLT Quote It took a perfect sacrifice from a perfect person to perfect an imperfect people and please a perfect God. ~Eugene Peterson/J.B. Bailey Animal sacrifice continued in Judaism until the destruction of the Temple in 70…

Great Faith

Scripture “Dear woman,” Jesus said to her, “your faith is great. Your request is granted.” And her daughter was instantly healed. ~Matthew 15:28, NLT Quote Only God is great is the superlative sense, others are great only in relationship to Him. ~Mrs. Charles E. Cowman A superlative is the greatest of the great: I guess you might say…