Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
~I Thessalonians 5:16-18
I know I am delivered because of what Christ did for me. I see that apart from Him I am lost, undone, and doomed.
~Martyn Lloyd Jones
Rarely does anyone seek information regarding my sermons but I had two men to approach me yesterday so I thought I would share the info in the blog. I jumped the gun on Thanksgiving and preached my TG sermon yesterday using the above scripture I Thessalonians 5:16-18. Yes, that is three verses. In the KJV verse 16 is two words, “Rejoice always.” Many people think John 11:35 {Jesus wept} is the shortest verse in the Bible but it is actually I Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice always or always be joyful.” Jesus wept is shorter in English but in the Greek, I Thessalonians 5:16 is shorter. I am a spot reader and I read several books at a time. I am about to finish Martyn Lloyd Jones daily devotional WALKING WITH GOD and I have almost finished John Charles Ryle’s book on HOLINESS. I will warn you about the second, you can get bogged down in Ryle’s book on holiness but it does contain some great thoughts on doubt, fear, spiritual warfare and assurance. I have never read more honest men on the subject of assurance than these two.
Jones theme for the month of December is THE VICORY OF FAITH and these thought come from the December 2 devotion. I am a sequential learner and I see list that others do not see. So I am warning you, it you read his devotion, you may not see this list on the surface but it is there. Would you like to have assurance that you are saved and that the Holy Spirit is at work in you? Take this test…
- Do you feel a growing sense of wretchedness. Can you honestly say with Paul, “O wretched man that I am.” Can you identify with John Newton, “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a ‘wretch’ like me? I hope the answer is yes.
- Do you realize that everything you have and all that you are is a work of GRACE. Do you know that God’s sanctifying grace leaves you no reason to boast?
- Do you feel enmity toward God? Do you have a spirit of rebellion? {answer should be no}
- Are you gracious and forgiving toward others?
- Do you have a growing love for Jesus? A growing appreciation of the cross?
- Are you grateful? I don’t think I have ever meet a person who believed in and understood grace, who was not thankful. I have never meet an elder brother who was…they are all list keepers {Lo these many years I have served you, etc}. They are critical and judgmental but not thankful.
One other thing before I close, Paul did not say we are to give God thanks for all circumstance and situations, he said, “Be thankful in all circumstances”, not for but in. All of us without exception have problems. Now I am the first to admit that some problems are much worse than others, but in the midst of these problems, we are to have a thankful attitude. This is God’s will for everyone in Christ.
Time is a precious thing and I may never get to do it, but if I get the chance I am going back to West Limestone and drive the Stinnett Hollow Road. We were a bit early Saturday so I took the Elk River Mills route and went to Good Springs from the south. We went through Cairo and then turned on Stinnett Hollow Road. Don’t waste money going to the Smokies. Even in the drought, it was a beautiful drive and we only drove one end. The little branch that runs by the road had a little water so it must be spring fed. I would love to see this neck of the woods on a typical fall day and of course this fall was not typical due to the dry weather. I am from East Limestone and you will not see anything like this in East Limestone. In Morgan County, the East side is much more beautiful than the west but not so in Limestone. The hills are in the west. If it rains some and I get the chance, I am going back before Christmas.
We celebrated TG with a dinner at the POINT yesterday. We had enough food to feed an army but converting the sanctuary into a fellowship hall is hard work. I hope we don’t have to do it again. If we get get Riley to get us some metal on those beams, we will have a fellowship hall in a few weeks.
There is a tropical disturbance in the gulf that is bringing rain to Texas and Louisiana. It is headed in our direction but you know what that means–nothing. I am praying this one will not change course or fizzle out.
Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.