

I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in full knowledge and all discernment.

~Philippians 1:9, LSB


Satan is not fighting churches; he is joining them. He does more harm by sowing tares than uprooting wheat. He accomplishes more by imitation than by outright opposition.

~Vance Havner

Webster says that discernment is the power to see what is not evident to the average mind. It is the ability to distinguish, to discriminate to be able to see the difference between good and bad or true and false. Some synonyms are insight, perception and wisdom.  Solomon, as a young teen age king, asked God for discernment. [1 Kings 3:11] Paul praying for the Philippians asked God to give them discernment. John warns in 1 John 4:1, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Notice John says “Test the spirits,” meaning more than one. God’s Spirit is defined clearly as the Holy Spirit, distinguishing the Holy Spirit from all other spirits. The problem is there; are many false prophets and evil spirits. This is why we can never base anything on our subjective experience. Everything must have a scriptural foundation. So when you hear these clowns say that God has given them a special revelation and they begin telling about some dream, vision or phenomenal experience, don’t pay any attention to them.

God inspired Peter to give us the information we need to spot false teachers {1 Peter 2}

  1. They introduce destructive heresies
  2. They deny by there actions that Jesus is Lord of their life
  3. They are given to sensuality
  4. They are greedy; they exploit their followers for their own gain
  5. They are daring and self-willed
  6. They are proud and arrogant
  7. They scoff at things they do not understand
  8. They are self-indulgent
  9. They delight in deception
  10. They take advantage of the weak
  11. They are clouds without rain
  12. They are boastful
  13. They lure others into sin
  14. They are true to their unregenerate and carnal nature

But I will make it real easy for you: they always promote themselves. They never give preference to others and they exploit the naive, the weak and the undiscerning. They use flattery and other forms of deception. My rule of thumb is: “I never trust a man that does not confess sin.” Why? Because the Bible makes it clear that all have sinned. Those who do not confess their sin are not being real or transparent. If they lie about their sin, they will lie about everything else. I know how smug they are and how they love talking about the sins of others but never confess their own. C. S. Lewis said, “Those who do not think about their own sin make up for it by thinking incessantly about the sins of others.” Don’t trust any preacher or teacher who does not confess sin.



We did our retirement home visiting yesterday so we are going to visit locals today. They were all doing well. Granny’s room was warm. I almost went to sleep in her recliner. You know I did that once with Mrs. Mary Sue Thompson, she shook me awake after an hour and said, “It is time for you to get up.”

Today is Big Mama’s birthday; I would say she is 57 but she hates when I invert the numbers so I want say it. Jackson is coming over to spend the day with her. I had to leave my crimson Alabama cap at home. Jackson has a fit if I take it off. He is supposed to be a Mississippi State fan but he loves the Alabama cap.

I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading the blog.

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