Dodging The Spears


 Saul hurled his spear at David. But David dodged out of the way, and leaving the spear stuck in the wall, he fled and escaped into the night.

~ 1 Samuel 19:10, NLT


Pain and sorrow are doubled when endured alone, but greatly lessened when borne by another beside us.

~Drew Hunter

Many times there is a message in what the Bible does not say. Saul in a fit of rage threw a spear at David. He was not playing. His intent was to kill the young warrior and musician. David did not jerk the spear out of the wall and throw it back at Saul. Why didn’t he? If someone throws a spear at you and they miss, isn’t it only fair for you to grab the spear and throw it back at them? However, David makes no attempt to retrieve the spear or hurl it back at Saul. David did not lack skill or courage so what is motivating him. David believed that Saul was God’s anointed king. I am sure that he realized by this time that Saul had some serious issues. Yet David does not retaliate. He never tries to get even. He makes no effort to correct the injustice.

The next question is…Did Saul hurt David when he threw the spear at him? Saul did no harm to David physically; David escaped without a scratch but Saul did hurt him. This was the second time Saul had tried to kill David. David was an admirer of Saul and a devoted follower; Saul’s anger and rage broke David’s heart. David at one time thought he was family; he sat at the supper table with Saul’s family. He wanted the Kings respect and love. Yet Saul’s outrage made it very clear; he did not love David. In fact, he wanted David eliminated or out of the picture.

What is the point? David took a lot of abuse from Saul and never tried to retaliate. Saul’s hate drove David to flee with David finally settling in a cave all alone. In the solitude of the cave, David is probably asking two questions: why is Saul treating me like an enemy and why is God allowing it to happen? That second question is usually the one that gets us down: why does God allow us to be mistreated? Why does He allow such injustice? It is clear that Saul is in the wrong; yet David becomes the fugitive or the fall guy.

Think of the spear as the insult, the rejection, the injustice or the mistreatment. Most of us have been there at one time or another. We were ridiculed, mocked, rejected, humiliated, insulted and it hurt deeply. Perhaps there was someone we thought loved us and we found out by their betrayal that they cared nothing about us nor or feelings. It is bad to have a broken heart but even worse is to have a broken heart and no one care.

Let me cut to the chase: God used this hurt to motivate and inspire David to write the most wonderful poems, songs and prayers that have ever been written. David had his faults but the Psalms he wrote have ministered hope to millions. I cannot tell you how many times David’s Psalms have comforted me, lifted my spirits, given me hope and consolation. Many if not most of the Psalms would not exist had not God allowed that crazy king to throw the spears. Remember, David was a teenager when he dodged the spears. Do you have any spears in your background? I do, and in all these years I have wondered why God allowed people to throw spears at me. Now I can connect the dots: God used the spears to prepare me for ministry.


Praise the LORD for the rain. I haven’t had time to go to the garden in three days but I can tell from a distance, it is too wet to plow. Pray for those who are oppressed. Pray for those awaiting the word of a doctor and those mourning the loss of someone they loved very much. Got word yesterday that my good friend Grady Long was promoted yesterday. Grady was 71 and I think it was a heart attack. Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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