Fascination Of Fascinations


Be gracious to me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness;
According to the abundance of Your compassion blot out my transgressions.

~Psalm 51:1, LSB


David was further along spiritually the most New Testament believers.

~Martyn Lloyd Jones

When I read the above quote in Martyn Lloyd Jones devotional, I wrote in the margin, “I agree.” David was certainly ahead of me. This may not fascinate you but it does me. I have many things that David did not have: a copy of God’s word and the gospels, in fact the whole New Testament which includes the history of the cross. How in the world can a human being write Psalm 22, 23 and 51? I have a hunch. I believe the Holy Spirit was the writer and He simply used David as His scribe. In other words, I think David wrote things under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that were far beyond his understanding or experience. If David were living today, I think he would be fascinated by Psalm 22. I think when he read over this Psalm, he would lay his bible on the desk and ask himself, “Did I really write this?”

Let me tell you what fascinates me to no end; it is the depth and the freshness of the Psalms. I read them daily and I declare to you that it is like I have never read them before. It literally blows my mind; I pick up my bible and turn to a Psalm and I see things I have never seen before. How is this possible? You could say it is due to my lack of intellect but I know highly intelligent people who have the same testimony. I am telling you, a Psalm a day will keep the devil away. I don’t know how anyone survives without a daily study of the Psalms. One other corresponding note. My friend Kevin Beal is an avid reader and he gives me books and tips on what books I need to read. He is the one who told me about Henry Scougal the Scotsman who graduated at KINGS COLLEGE in the University of Aberdeen at 19 years of age. They hired him immediately as the Professor of Philosophy. He lived less than ten years from his graduation. Scougal died of tuberculosis at age of 28, having never written a book but he did write a letter to a friend and it has been published. It is called THE LIFE OF GOD AND THE SOUL OF MAN. I read a bit and then pray. I read a little more and give praise to the LORD. Kevin got me a copy at least three months ago and I read it in a week. I underlined and made extensive notes and when we cleaned my office, we misplaced it I reckon and it starting driving me crazy. Kevin ordered me another copy and I have read it and I keep telling Kevin: this book is different from the first. Kevin he just laughs because he knows it is the same book but to me it is like the Psalms, fresh every morning. Of course part of the problem is my memory: I forget quickly.


Another hot muggy day. It will be 95 but feel like 105. Some people love it but I am not one of them. No worries, the way time flies, it will be fall before you know it. Have a good day and remember, Friday is coming.

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