False Doctrine


We have been informed that certain persons who have gone out from among us have disturbed you with their teaching and have unsettled your minds, without having received any such instruction from us.

~Acts 15:24, Weymouth


The objective of false prophets and teachers of whatever stripe is…the influence and control of the minds of men.

~Ron Dart

Jesus said, “Watch out for false teachers. They come to you dressed as if they were sheep. On the inside they are hungry wolves. You will know them by their fruit.” First of all, false teachers are hypocrites; they pretend to be sheep when they have the heart of a wolf. Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruit.” All false teachers are in it for their own personal gain. Most of them are gifted word smiths and they know how to manipulate people. Their ministry, to use the term loosely, is perpetuated by their massive following. They all draw crowds and pedal merchandise. Beware if they are not connected to a bible believing congregation. The false teachers that invaded the fellowship at Antioch were from Jerusalem but their were not commissioned by the church, they were self-appointed. Their teaching was disturbing the faith of the new believers in Antioch. They were probably Judaziers teaching a doctrine of works. Think of faith as the cargo and the conscience as the hull of the ship. There are two things we must be aware of and guard against. The first danger is from within and I am talking about our integrity. A lack of integrity will eat holes in the conscience and our faith will leak out. The second danger comes from the outside and it is lies. Lies are the fiery darts or arrows that enemy uses. If we begin believing them, it eats holes in our conscience and our faith leaks out.

These false teachers were attacking the faith of the believers at Antioch and they had successfully disturbed their peace of mind. The faith of these young believers was eroding or leaking out. Beware of any teaching that is not Christ centered. Jordan Peterson is a very gifted communicator but he is not affiliated with any church and his teaching is not Christ centered. Both he and his wife profess to be believers but neither see a need for the church. That is a red flag. There is no doubt that the bride is still flawed. I admit, we are not fully adorned for the Groom but we are the bride of Christ and He will eventually make us presentable. Behind every true prophet is a church that commissioned him. Have we commissioned some that are untrue to the faith? Yes, I am afraid we have but you better keep an eye on all self-appointed teachers and preachers. A true prophet will put the emphasis on Jesus; not on himself. He will encourage you to be faithful to Jesus and to love Him for who He is, not what He can do for you. As long as your happiness and sense of fulfillment comes first, you are not following Jesus. False teachers these days tend to sugar coat Christianity. Instead of it being a cross-bearing, self-sacrificing life; it is a quest for health, wealth and happiness. They simply say what people want to hear: they tickle ears but they are not telling the truth. Jesus said, Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets. My goal is to be honest, not popular. I am just grateful to have a congregation that is willing to listen to me teach and preach: most churches would fire me within a month. Of course most wouldn’t call me in the first place.


I Decided I would fertilize some plants yesterday so I went to town to buy a sack of fertilizer and they wanted $28 plus tax. I decided I didn’t need the fertilizer. I don’t know how farmers will make it. Every thing goes by the price of diesel fuel and it is over $5 a gallon. Trump could fix this problem in one day. These idiots, who think global warming is the big issue, have shut down the pipe lines and the refineries. They created this problem and what is worse, they do not care what a gallon of diesel cost. They don’t care what groceries cost: they are all billionaires. They are either stupid {which is a possibility} or they are intentionally tanking the economy. If their goal is to destroy a good economy, they have succeeded or at least doing a good job. America needs a strong leader now, not three years from now. I don’t think we can last three years. The fraudulent election needed to be rectified.

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