In any case, it was kind of you to share my distress.
~Philippians 4:14, NRSV
Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your hand give in proportion to your purse.
~George Washington
Philippians 4 is a wonderful chapter, one of my favorite in all the word of God. In this great chapter Paul says…
- Rejoice in the LORD always and again I say rejoice.
- Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything.
- Think on things worthy of praise and the peace of God will be in you.
- I have learned to be content in any and all circumstances.
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Wow, what a fantastic list of exhortations. After saying all these wonderful things, Paul says, “In any case, it is kind of you to share in my distress.” The word distress is the Greek word ‘thlipsis’. It is one of the few Greek words that I recognize. It is the word used for pressing the juice out of the grapes. It literally means under pressure and is translated tribulation, oppression and distress. I like the NRSV translation here at distress. Distress is suffering that affects the mind or body due to a difficult situation in which you do not have enough money, food, energy or resources. It just so happened that the Philippians revived Paul’s depleted bank account.
Even the Apostle Paul with his tremendous faith in Jesus felt distress at times. The same man who exhorts us not to worry about anything also felt the pressure of life and welcomed the relief that came when other Christians acted in kindness toward him.
Do you feel the pressure? Jesus uses this same word ‘thlipsis’ in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation {thlipsis}; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Running late this morning. I am on standby: Holly is with June at the hospital. If she is not discharged soon, I will be going to get her later. Everything went well. I was impressed with Dr. Tapscott. He came in and had prayer with us before the surgery. He asked me who I was and I said, “Joe David’s Daddy.” Then I told him I knew his dad and Dr. J. Spencer Bell. The surgery went fine.
I talked with Joe Fitz earlier this morning as we consoled each other over the rain fizzling out before it got to us again. Now they have revised the forecast again and giving little change for Thanksgiving week. We are going to loose a lot of trees and shrubs over this. It is best that I don’t think about it. I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading the blog. I will try to be on time tomorrow but not promises. I will be doing all the house work, taking care of June who is not a good patient and fulfilling my other obligations. Actually she may be a better patient than I am nurse.