Justice And Mercy

Scripture My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help?  ~Psalm 22:1, NLT Quote The strongest argument for the validity of SCRIPTURE is fulfilled prophecy. ~John MacArthur The greatest proof that the bible is the inspired word of God is fulfilled prophecy. Fulfilled prophecy…

Your I.D.

Scripture For the king [David] trusts in the LORD . The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.  ~Psalm 21:7, NLT Quote “I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved that He did it gladly.” ~Timothy Keller Psalm 21 is a celebration after…

Hidden Faults

Scripture How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults.  ~Psalm 19:12, NLT Quote “The bible is alive, it speaks to me. It has feet, it runs after me. It has hands, it takes hold of me.” ~Martin Luther I don’t remember where I was or the…

Scripture God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat. ~Psalm 19:4-6,…

The Power of The WORD

Scripture The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight for living. ~Psalm 19:7-8, NLT Quote  Man shall not live by bread alone…

The Prayer

Scripture O LORD, hear my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips.  ~Psalm 17:1, NLT Quote Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God and a scourge for Satan. ~John Bunyan This is one of five Psalms that is…

What Is Man?

Scripture What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?  Psalm 8:4, NASB Quote God created us to be Kings but the disobedience of our first parents robbed us of our crown. ~W.W. Wiersbe Psalm 8 is a majestic praise Psalm that speaks of God’s infinite power to create…

Retribution, It’s The Law

Scripture The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies.  ~Psalm 7:14, NLT Quote Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding fine. ~Friedrich von Logau R.G. Lee quoted Friedrich von Logau in his famous sermon, “Payday Someday.” The law of retribution is woven into the fabric…

Merry Christmas

Scripture And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of grace and truth. ~John 1:14, Living New Testament Quote We are never more like God than when we are giving. ~C. S. Lewis I love CHRISTMAS, always have and probably always will. It’s not just the gifts,…

Feeling Vexed

Scripture Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed. ~Psalm 6:2, AV Quote Jesus loves YOU and there is nothing you can do about it. ~Junior Hill Psalm 6 is the first of seven penitential Psalms and Dr. Wiersbe thinks the setting is the rebellion of…