Time Management


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

~Ephesians 5:15-16, ESV


If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.

~Ben Franklin

Time is a precious gift. In the later days of my life, the importance of time stewardship has really been bearing upon my mind. I don’t play golf for several reasons: one, I am horrible, two, I have arthritis in my hands and I can’t grip the club, and three it takes too much time. Playing golf is not a sin for you but it is for me. For me it would be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. I am afraid a lot of us are busy rearranging the deck chairs and shortly, the whole ship is going down. I was spending a Saturday aboard a little 32 inch John Deere riding mower and the thought occurred to me. Is this how you want to spend your Saturdays? Eight hours on a seven acre yard! The bigger the swing set the more bolts and nuts you have to keep tight. Bigger is not always better. How do you spend your time? How much time to you spend with Jesus? How much time do you spend with your family? If your parents are living {meaning you are blessed}, how much time do you spend with them? If you are too busy to spend time with the LORD or your family, you are too busy.

Honestly, I don’t think being busy is the problem; I think “self” is the problem. The world is another problem; especially the “cares of this world” which Jesus talked about. We get caught up in the rat race and we neglect the things that matter most. As Lily Tomlin said, “The problem with winning the rat race is that you are still a rat.” We get so engrossed in the things that don’t matter that we don’t have time for the things that do. It is like the fellow that spent time and energy climbing a ladder only to discover once he had reached the top that he was on the wrong wall. That is what it will be like for some of us on judgment day. We will not be questioned about the size of our house, how much we owed or our net worth. It will be questions like: did you love your neighbor? Did you help the helpless? Those who gave up their lives to serve others will be rewarded; the rest of us are going to be embarrassed. We dare not look our Savior in the eye and say, “I didn’t have time.” He knows better.


I was lost for words last night and the same is true today. There is a lot I would like to say but don’t know how to state it without the danger of sounding prideful or hurting someone else. Let me just say, the service last night was special. What a joy to get to share the gospel with that many people at one time. I wanted to say a few words before Courtney’s Baptism but I knew I would do good to make it through the baptism. My emotions were on the surface. I want to thank Joe my long time baptismal assistant and I want to thank Gage, Cade and Shawna. When I realized that I could not get Courtney in without help, I whispered to Gage, “Son, I have to have your help.” He kicked off his shoes immediately and came in with us getting his clothes wet. I cannot describe what I felt when I saw this boys love for his mom and the tenderness in his helping hands. It may be the highlight of my ministry. Then Cade was waiting at the steps and both boys were there to get her out and down the steps. Courtney is on my mind and my heart. For my readers that are unfamiliar, Courtney is our 46 year old mother of two sons who is battling the dreaded ALS. Four people in her family have suffered ALS. If you don’t mind: let us all pray for Courtney today. She is a sweet humble girl. Lets also pray for Shannon and the boys. If you are having a pity party today, watch the baptism on line…just go to Danville Baptist Church {YouTube}. Fast forward through the gospel presentation and watch the baptism. It will not cheer you up but it will put things in perspective.

I am reading Luther’s book on Psalms. It is not his commentary but the Psalms in the ESV with him doing an introduction and a prayer. The prayer yesterday was divine; one of the best I have ever read and I wanted to share with you. It expresses the desire of my heart perfectly.

Praise and honor belong to You, our God, because You have given us Your Word, by which You clothe our poor and naked souls in the garments of salvation, and bring us heavenly abiding treasures. Fashion our hearts by Your Holy Spirit, that we crave not the things of this earth, but desire the things above. Amen!

My response–WOW, what a prayer!

Have a great week and thanks for reading the blog.

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